Search found 71 matches

by kilder
January 8th, 2008, 3:31 pm
Forum: Scenario & Campaign Development
Topic: Invasion from the Unknown (1.9.99) for Wesnoth 1.4
Replies: 447
Views: 153378

I also have the same problem with Over the sands (1.3.13//0.9.1, Mac OSX 10.4.11) Here are the console logs, seems to happen about everytime I try to access to this scenario. The first log was created while I loaded from a save of the begining of th scenario scenario: '04_Over_the_Sands' next_scenar...
by kilder
April 3rd, 2007, 8:30 am
Forum: Translations & Internationalization
Topic: ~[Arabic Translation]~
Replies: 36
Views: 15774

مرحبا! كيف الحال (firefox doesn't allow me to write properly right-to-left) It's been a time since I studied arabic, and I only did two years, but, anyway, I can value how much work will it be for you. Be sure I'll check the translations, but I doubt I can help anymore. See you, and good luck!
by kilder
April 3rd, 2007, 8:19 am
Forum: Translations & Internationalization
Topic: Spanish Translation
Replies: 4
Views: 3580

Hi! Nice to meet you! We always welcome new people who are ready to help :) There's a dedicated spanish translation thread here that you can check (, there you'll find what needs to be done, what tools should you use, etcetera. And if you know any oth...
by kilder
March 26th, 2007, 9:05 am
Forum: Translations & Internationalization
Topic: Traducción al español
Replies: 229
Views: 180620

Como traductor, aunque para otro idioma, sólo tengo un consejo: traduce aquello que más te guste traducir, especialmente si es alguna campaña a la que hayas jugado. Ayuda mucho reunirse con algún colega y traducir en compañía: con un buen vinito y algo de jamón, la calidad de la...
by kilder
March 24th, 2007, 10:00 am
Forum: Translations & Internationalization
Topic: How do you translate "Drake" in your translation t
Replies: 16
Views: 8999

Here in the Catalan translation we use Drac. I'm not particularly happy with it, but it hass became kind of a "stable" name now. Oh, wel! :(

As a side note, I think in the Spanish one they also use Draco

Hope it helps!
by kilder
September 25th, 2006, 9:45 pm
Forum: Scenario & Campaign Development
Topic: New Campaign: Return of the Legions (0.2.5)
Replies: 117
Views: 39081

here it is:

compared screenie

I play in catalan, but the numbers are still visible
by kilder
September 25th, 2006, 8:35 pm
Forum: Scenario & Campaign Development
Topic: New Campaign: Return of the Legions (0.2.5)
Replies: 117
Views: 39081

:shock: I can assure you it doesn't change in my computer :/ Anyway, what I'll try is to re-download it, uninstall all the other add-ons and downloads and replay until I amla him. I'll post my results soon, I hope. Sorry for the time lost! EDIT: I've done all the above and it stills doesn't have any...
by kilder
September 24th, 2006, 4:55 pm
Forum: Scenario & Campaign Development
Topic: New Campaign: Return of the Legions (0.2.5)
Replies: 117
Views: 39081

Here they are

.zip because of forum limitations, they aren't compressed in any way. I'll try to delete the attachments soon.

I'm running on MacOsX 10.3.9, maybe there's the problem? However, I doubt it...

Hope it helps!
by kilder
September 23rd, 2006, 9:47 am
Forum: Scenario & Campaign Development
Topic: New Campaign: Return of the Legions (0.2.5)
Replies: 117
Views: 39081

Bug report: (I've checked the entire thread and I think it hasn't been posted) When Nelayin AMLAs as an initiate, neither the more skilled with bow/sword options make any difference. However, the magic fireballs DO appear if you select that option (Wesnoth 1.10, I just downloaded the campaign yester...
by kilder
September 21st, 2006, 6:41 pm
Forum: Translations & Internationalization
Topic: Valencian translation
Replies: 14
Views: 7637

Re: llengua estàndar Lengua estándar Tal volta la wikipedia castellana s'explique millor que jo. Com ella bé diu, "El catalán tiene los estándar barcelonés, usado en Cataluña, y el valenciano, usado en Valencia, lo que es motivo de conflicto." (i jo no entendré mai ...
by kilder
September 20th, 2006, 5:57 pm
Forum: Translations & Internationalization
Topic: Valencian translation
Replies: 14
Views: 7637

D'on traus tu tant de temps per postejar eixes parrafades i a més traduir?? :S Cada vegada tindré menys, així que em disculpe si les meues pròximes respostes pareixen més esquemàtiques del que caldria. Comencem per l'assumpte de les cites, que pareix que se'ns (se m') ha anat de le...
by kilder
September 18th, 2006, 7:55 pm
Forum: Ideas
Topic: Mage trait: Astute
Replies: 28
Views: 5658

What would happen with units that start as non magic users but then they develop the magical skills? I'm thinking of the elvish shaman, specially, but I'm pretty sure there are (or maybe there will be).
by kilder
September 18th, 2006, 7:50 pm
Forum: Translations & Internationalization
Topic: Valencian translation
Replies: 14
Views: 7637

cronologia Açò és una bona aportació i clarifica els termes temporals del debat. Tanmateix, m'agradaria assenyalar els meus dubtes sobre algunes afirmacions. Realment estava tan diferenciat el valencià del català en aquella època del s XV? Estaria bé poder fer una comparativ...
by kilder
September 17th, 2006, 12:54 pm
Forum: Translations & Internationalization
Topic: Valencian translation
Replies: 14
Views: 7637

De totes maneres graciès per mostrar la teua opinió i m'agradaria molt seguir parlant d'este tema si vols, no hi ha problemes, ok? Cap problema ! ;) Jo no he dit això, el valencià es una llengua que va nàixer en la ciutat de València, capital de l' antic Regne, amb el català mÃ...
by kilder
September 16th, 2006, 11:44 am
Forum: Scenario & Campaign Development
Topic: A New Order.
Replies: 608
Views: 215095

I have the save of the beginning of the scenario. Just I can't remember if I recalled the sharpshooter I have or Elorain. It could be Elorain :oops: Maybe that matters. Ah, by the way, I was able to beat Orannon in 11 turns in normal, because the leaders made crazy sorties out of their castles and l...