Wesnoth Tutorial: Part I

Feedback for the game tutorial.

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Re: Wesnoth Tutorial: Part I

Post by Duke_Anax »

I recently came back to Wesnoth after a long break and went into a campaign. I quickly noticed that I was unclear on some of the details (eg right-clicking the castle to recruit) So I went back to the battle training. First off, I like that you call it Battle Training, and not Tutorial. Feels less awkward as a veteran.

The dialog is enjoyable and informative. The explanations are thorough, yet it doesn't feel cumbersome to replay. Killing another three practice dummies felt a bit repetitive, but I guess the game needs time to display the rest of the tutorial messages, though there is a bit of a problem here (two actually)

I did some limit testing today and determined that the tutorial has messages up to round ten, which I missed the first time because it is possible to finish the scenario as early as round six. When testing, I even had trouble being tardy enough to reach round 10.

That could be a good place to introduce special weapons with drain and slow, maybe poison. That would make each quintain unique and would ensure the fight lasts longer without making it repetitive.

The other issue I have noticed is when the MC is not at full health and attacks a quintain, it's quite likely to die in the opponent's turn, which could be frustrating for a beginner in a tutorial when it just ends the scenario with a grey screen.

Instead, there should be a safety net. Maybe the MC wakes up healed in the village and gets to try again, with a warning to be more careful and let the soldiers fight for you.
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