Draconian Era (mainpost edited)

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Re: Draconian Era

Post by siddh »

I am aware of this ability, and I don't think it's worthwhile to change the name for this reason :D
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Re: Draconian Era

Post by siddh »

Cleaning up the thread, since the mainpost was changed
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Re: Draconian Era

Post by siddh »

Cleaning up the thread, since the mainpost was changed
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Re: Draconian Era (mainpost edited)

Post by siddh »

Hello. I've had a couple of day break from making this era, partially because I've reached this point in which I don't know what to do next. Graphics would be an insane amount of work, considering how manyunits there already are, and I think it's probably a too large investment to start doing that at this point. Another option would be to try and scout unknown bugs in the abilities implemented so far, and fixing them. I guess I'd mostly want some feedback, or perhaps do some playtesting and so therefore..

Is anyone interested in some playtesting?

Although I'm primarily making this era for my own amusement, and so it's not a terrible loss if no one is interested in it, it's hard to continue making it from here on forwards. I mean I could just add another faction, but it wouldn't really change anything. The current factions in themselves would be sufficient to play with the era, but they're imbalanced and would require lots of adjusting. Currently I think the resistance profiles are a little dull. Anyway is anyone interested? :D
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Re: Draconian Era (mainpost edited)

Post by Astoria »

siddh wrote:Hello. I've had a couple of day break from making this era, partially because I've reached this point in which I don't know what to do next. Graphics would be an insane amount of work, considering how manyunits there already are, and I think it's probably a too large investment to start doing that at this point.
Graphics ARE very important for an era. Even placeholders or frankensteins are much better than nothing.
Formerly known as the creator of Era of Chaos and maintainer of The Aragwaithi and the Era of Myths.
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Re: Draconian Era (mainpost edited)

Post by siddh »

I guess so, I did placeholders though.

PS. BTW I still haven't managed to do the Blacksmith ability (I tried though, but couldn't get the WML bit to work :D)
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Re: Draconian Era (mainpost edited)

Post by siddh »

Oh-oh. It would be just about time to say that there's enough factions and enough units for the era to be playable, but it's missing graphics, missing a balancing phase, bugfixes for abilities, and also several factions need adjustments for dynamics. But it's bothersome, I made so many units that making the graphics for them is an insane task. Balancing is also hard, because nobody seems to be interested and I'm not dissociatively split enough to actually play against myself. Bugfixes is another realm, but luckily there does not seem to be many. Mostly just this ranged/melee doesn't seem to work properly, which I don't know why.

I'm also thinking about making several adjustments to dynamics, like adjusting how the physical resistances work, changing the shield ability and such.

Recently I also played Dugi's campaign "legend of the invincibles" and there's a remarkable number of coincidences of similarity, like for an example in the vocabulary. Dugi gave slow to wolves, I gave slow to wolves, coincidence, or rather I think it's convergent because I assume the logic behind his decision is similar to mine. Not to mention I used the name "Styx" for a faction, this is of course no surprise since taking something from ancient history is unlikely to produce originality of any kind, but even the usage of the derived "stygian" occurred :D Pretty amazing. There's also a bunch of other stuff like ability named "unyielding" etc. But anyway that's just aside the point, but if anyone happens to be thinking that I wanted to do it the same way then really it was coincidences.

I've been kind of low on motivation for doing this, and I'm not sure if I get interested in doing this stuff. I got several plans on what to do, but not sure if I get to completing those. Anyway is anyone interested in this era in anyway? Any feedback or anything? Ideas? :D
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Re: Draconian Era (mainpost edited)

Post by siddh »

Hello again :)

I've been away from Wesnoth for ages, but for now it seems I'll be unemployed, so I figured might get back to doing this ERA. I published the same version of the era (or a backup folder I Found from some harddrive, Since I had uninstalled wesnoth) on wesnoth...11. I'm not sure if it works

I seem to have forgotten a lot about this game and how to do this stuff, so it's probably gonna take awhile to get the era back to where it was in the first place.

For now gotta: 1. Try and fix all bugs 2. Do some serious balancing work 3. Get something done on the graphics side. Also I'm gonna skip doing the complicated day and night cycle for now, but will probably try and do that again later. It might also be that I'll skip this project again tomorrow, but it does look like I got a lot of time on my hands now (all of the time that is)

So if anyone is interested about the era then please post comment here or pm me on the multiplayer server. :D
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Re: Draconian Era (mainpost edited)

Post by siddh »

Added generic level2 advancement classes for all units (but this is only in the developement server add-on).

I put practically zero effort into the level2 units, except that just typing the "advances to" and "experience points" and whatever changes there were took a couple of hours I guess. :D Anyway working out the level2 units is nowhere near a priority, but right now having some kind of generic advancements helps to make the era more playable.

The idea however would be to introduce this "veteran" ability that allows a semi-levelup for some units. So instead of progressing to a level2 unit directly, the units would receive the veteran ability as an advancement. Also I am still thinking about negating healing from the levelup, but working that out is probably a lot of trouble too. :D
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Re: Draconian Era (mainpost edited)

Post by siddh »

Added a custom schedule with length 60 turns. Took me about 6 hours to create (Today). It's currently a little bugged, since some days actually got an incorrect lawful bonus. Also I didn't bother to finetune the -red-green-blue things, and so it might look a little off. The schedule has images though, and should work somewhat. This is on the developement server though.

I might fix the schedule later, well most likely I'll do the colors & fix the lawful bonuses. For fixing the uglies in the graphics, I'm not sure when I will have the interest to do that.

Also if you want to use the schedule for your own project you're free to do so (like with essentialy everything in my era) then first of all be mindful that it has probably some bugs which might be fixed first. Also to do that you should just change every instance of "draconian" from the schedule.cfg to "yourera" and also for the images you should change the "draconian" to "yourera". So it would be quite a bit of work, but a lot less than what i went through so far.
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Re: Draconian Era (mainpost edited)

Post by siddh »

The era now has some unit images. :)

Also most bugs should be now fixed, at least I can't think of one that would need to be fixed. But there most likely are some that have not been found or I can't remember about.

The schedule has some special events: Eclipse, starnight, silverynight, bloodmoon, darkesthour, Ünna. For blood moon the effect is +30% melee damage for all units. For darkest hour chaotic units get 30% bonus. Mostly at other times bonuses are at around 10%. The schedule isn't properly done but it's good enough for now. However the other special occasions would require some special features, so if anyone has suggestions regarding them that would be nice :)
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Draconian Era Version 1.0.0 released

Post by Atreides »

Version 1 is uploaded for 1.16/14 (and updated for 1.12) with all new graphics and sounds. Some bugs were squished and a few things tweaked. It's a fairly large overhaul of what was a barely finished era.

This was probably the first addon era I tried when I started Wesnothing. I saw the potential but was sad about the lack of graphics and sounds. So after a few years I did something about it. : )

Have fun, it's somewhat different from the typical eras.
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