Yu-Gi-Oh Stuff

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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh Stuff

Post by Zerovirus »

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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh Stuff

Post by AtemTheLightning »

The most infamous example comes from an early episode (which can be seen in episode 10 of the "Abridged Series"), where Yugi uses a monster called Catapult Turtle to launch a fusion monster, Gaia the Dragon Champion, at another monster, Panik's Castle of Dark Illusions. This destroys the Dragon Champion on impact, causing Yugi to lose most of his lifepoints and the castle's flotation-ring to fall off, but seemingly doesn't destroy the castle... until Yugi mentions that the Castle is now being held up by Yugi's Swords of Revealing Light. Yugi ends his turn, ending the effect of SoRL, thus causing the destruction of the Castle... and all of Panik's monsters, which were underneath and, due to Panik's Chaos Sheild, couldn't get out of the way in time. If these things had been real, physical creatures engaged in a battle, this would be reasonably creative and entirely valid. But they're just tokens in a card game, subject to the rules thereof, and Yugi's trick has absolutely no basis in the rules (but it looked cool). The real card game hadn't yet been made when this episode was written, but unless the writers thought the real card game would somehow simulate Newtonian physics, it still doesn't make much sense.
In the same episode, the flying castle itself has the effect of hiding the villain's monsters in darkness, so Yugi can only attack the darkness and get his monsters killed by cards he can't see. How exactly is that supposed to work without holographic technology? 'You're attacking my monster. Sorry, it has higher attack points than yours. No I can't prove it, that would defeat the whole purpose of the shrouding darkness. Just take my word for it, will you?'
Just to cut good ol' Yugi some slack, even though through other means, Yugi still won that fight. Catapult Turtle's effect is that it can Tribute a monster to do damage to his life points equal to half the attack of the tributed monster. Seeing as it was Gaia the Dragon Champion with attack well over 2000, and max LP in season one were 2000, he still would've won.
The card game came after series one.
In his duel with Mako, Yugi calls an attack on "Full Moon". Three major problems with that. First, "Full Moon" is Yugi's own card and is on his side of the battlefield. Second, it's a magic card, not a creature. Third, he's trying to stab the [censored] moon with a sword. Yet not only does this somehow work, it dramatically alters the battlefield, causing the tide to go out lower than it was before he summoned the moon, and beaching Mako's sea monsters.
Again, the card game came after series one.
Weevil's great moth is randomly given the ability to deduct 100 attack points from his opponent every SECOND, an ability which does not come up ever again.
Also, the weirdness of the Mirror Force in the Weevil vs. Yugi match, in the Duelist Kingdom. That came up in a part of the game when Yugi used the Mirror Force to destroy all of Weevils' monster that were on field. Ignoring the real card effect and just observing the anime, the card took a very random amount of life points (1445, to be exact) from Weevil without any sort of explanation. He just sorta... lost life points as the writers wanted it. And of course, the Mirror Force never inflicted direct damage in any other occasion of the anime, neither in the Duelist Kingdom nor in any other arc.
Again, the card game came after series one.
Wrong actually, it does happen a couple more times, but only in the Duelist Kingdom arc. During Yugi's duel with Pegasus, when he uses it to destroy his Toon monsters, his Life Points drop from 2000 to 600 as a result.
A similar effect happens when Joey uses his Time Wizard's effect to destroy Rex Raptor's Red Eyes Black Dragon, taking away all of Rex's remaining life points in the process.
If you calculate it in the example in Yugi-Pegasus duel, the (weird) rule was that for every destroyed monster, you lose the difference between the reflected attack and the destroyed monsters attack points as if the monster with the reflected attack would attack all monster of your opponent.
In the duel against Weevil their problem was that Weevil would have been dead, if they had been consistent. So they just excluded one monster. Exact calculations can be seen in the yugioh Wiki on wikia.
There was a least an attempt to justify all the rules weirdness in the Duelist Kingdom saga. At the start of the tournament, Pegasus announces that his tournament will incorporate "new rules", all of which he promptly refuses to disclose, because "what fun would that be"? Of course this has its own bizarre side effects, such as Weevil getting accused by Yugi of cheating for simply finding out what the rules are.
Mystical Elf was able to give Yugi's Blue-Eyes White Dragon a power boost equal to her ATK power (1100 at the time, thanks to a power-up). The reason for it? The holographic projection of the monster had been chanting a mystical chant for several turns, a chant which allowed her to use a spell (none of this is on her card, by the way; ME is a Normal Monster, which aren't even supposed to HAVE effects. In her future appearences, this effect completely fails to appear. Just a Duelist Kingdom thing, apparently).
In two of the video games, The Sacred Cards and Reshef of Destruction, Mystical Elf is an Effect Monster which can power up the Blue Eyes.
I think in Duelist of The Roses it has a similar effect. (Pumps up light monsters by 800 or something.)
Again, the card game came after series one.
Mystical Elf got another such effect later in the season, when she was declared immune to a Spell card that forced monsters into Attack Mode. The reason - she was a female monster, and the spell only worked on males.
Again, the card game came after series one.
The Multiply card is apparently so badly designed it can divide by zero, creating a wall of infinite kuribos that spawn in real time with disregard for monster space.
The real game card was modified to accompany that limitation, and is one of the best token engines in the game.
Again, the card game came after series one.
Let's not even get started on the Seal Of Orichalcos, which would require about 5 cards worth of text space to explain the rules if was actually made.
A watered down version of this card does exist. Saying that it has one-point font is an understatement.
It's also not available for general purchase, and probably not actually usable.
Specifically, the Wikia states that there are only 15 copies of the actual card in existence, which were used by (former) US distributor Upper Deck Entertainment for their "Duel The Master" event. The card was reportedly said by UDE as having a Spell Speed (as in how fast it technically activates and what can counter it) of 4. To put that in perspective, the game's most powerful tool for this sort of thing - counter traps, traps specifically designed to negate activations and summons, only have a Spell Speed of 3. That means that an actual game mechanic taken to Beyond The Impossible levels makes it unable to be negated. Period.
What series is this?
The wikia also states that the actual card text contains the immortal line "The soul of whichever Duelist loses this Duel is forfeit to the winner." Fantastic.
One card has extra abilities not written on the card. You cannot use them if you're playing a game with just the cards, as it's intended to be played. Literally, the only way they are ever used is through Applied Phlebotinum and magic. The best way to look at it is that this is a lot like rules not written in the rulebook, or players on a team in positions which do not exist, or a cookbook with lists of ingredients without how to prepare them.
Quick, start speaking in a foreign language so the card can be released from the shiny thing! First one who does so gets to control it, too, no matter who summoned it.
It often doesn't seem to matter whether a card has its abilities written on it or not anyway, as time and time again characters claim to be completely in the dark about the abilities of a creature an opponent has just summoned, sometimes even making suicidal game decisions as a result.
Slighty more justified in the dub, since there is no text on the cards, so reading the opponents card to find out what it does is impossible. Though this itself prompts certain questions...
See my previous comment.
Freeform Polymerization. Characters on the show have this bizarre ability to take ANY creatures in play, merge them together and creature a cool new creature which they name by whim. Fridge Logic asks where the new cards come from.
The best example of that is the Yami/Kaiba duel in the Duelist Kingdom arc. Yami Yugi uses a spell card to fuse one of his monsters into Kaiba's Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon (already a fused monster). Oddly enough, it's played straight and subverted at the same time; by design (the monster Yugi selected was undead) the forced fusion has a negative effect on BEUD, lowering its attack by 1200 per turn. And despite the fact that they're fused, each of the three heads on Kaiba's monster can be revived seperately, restoring that head to full attack. What.
Duelist Kingdom is series one.
Then there are the random power-ups/immunities that certain monster types get for single duels, like Mai's Harpie Ladies randomly getting a combat advantage during her first duel against Joey, or Bandit Keith's Machine monsters becoming immune to magic-based attacks just to add dramatic tension in his duel against Joey. This crap largely went away by the time Battle City rolled around, however.
The power boosts during the field-tournament portion of the Duelist Kingdom arc can be attributed to a "field power bonus" of 30%, and it all depended where you were and whether your monsters were suited to fight in this kind of environment. (The real-world game has some earlier cards similar to this, which would increase the ATK power of certain types of monsters, and the artwork is based on different natural environments.)
Again, the card game came after series one.
Yugi and Kaiba vs. Dartz. Full stop. That duel is the sole reason why the Doma arc was so hated (well, the biggest reason, at least). The duel didn't make any sort of sense whatsoever - the players just sorta keep playing supernatural and illogical cards that made less and less sense by the minute (including the whole "Infinite-Attack God". How does that work?), making it seem like they were making all of it up, culminating in the "mystical interdimensional cards with Yugi, Kaiba and Joey's faces for no apparent reason". That wasn't a duel - that was a tabletop RPG match between two Game Masters.
What series is this?
You kind of could say they were making all of it up, as the Doma arc was the never included in the manga prior, and was in fact made specifically as a filler arc while the manga caught up to the series.
It is important to note that many of the above examples are based off of earlier parts of the series, where card interactions were much more complex and simulated a lot more cause and effect. This was because the series used a lot of games that had these kind of interactions, and the rules hadn't been set in stone yet.
There were no rules back then.
Even after season 1 there are still egregious examples: One of the Winged Dragon of Ra's effects is you can convert your life points into attack points for Ra. Whenever Evil Marik does this he fuses himself with his monster (it's a Shadow Game, so the monsters are real. Or something.) When Marik duels Yugi, Yugi comes close to destroying Ra while Marik is fused with it, and Marik saves himself by playing De-Fusion, which un-fuses the two and gives Marik all his life points back. Up until now, De-Fusion has only ever worked on Fusion Monsters - not aesthetic fusions.
The Winged Dragon of Ra was basically the Orichalcos of seasons 2 and 3. Pretty much every duel involving it had some new weird rule of the Winged Dragon of Ra suddenly get introduced right then. When Odien tries using it, he gets struck by lightning by its hologram because he's not an actual tombkeeper, and apparently only those related to the tombkeeper/Egyptian pharoah days can use it. Then, in the very next duel, Mai (who is even less related to the tombkeeper/Egyptian stuff than Odien) plays it without getting struck by lightning or anything weird like that. However, she can't use it because apparently the duelist has to speak a really long phrase written on the card in some ancient language. Marik speaks the phrase, and it immediately joins his side in the duel. These are just the first two duels with it.
Marik gave Odion a fake Ra, not the the real one... which didn't help.
Jinzo isn't killed by Time Wizard's effect because it's immune to rust. What cards other than Time Wizard cause rust anyway?
...Makiu, the Magical Mist? It caused Keith's monsters to rust up when Yugi dueled him.
The duel between Joey and Mako during the Battle City tournament. Joey had set up a trap card called "Chasm of Spikes" which is Exactly What It Says On The Tin and would destroy the opponent's attacking monster while dealing damange to his life points. When Mako attacked with his "Flying Fish" monster (again Exactly What It Says On The Tin) Joey activated his trap but, much to his surprise, the monster flew over the chasm and hit him anyway. Mako then proceeded to chastise him for not being able to anticipate such an obvious detail. Nevermind the "Flying Fish" is a normal monster (i.e. no effects) and Chasm of Spikes just says "opponents monster", with no "non-WIND Attribute." or similar clause...
Granted, this only occurs in the manga. The anime's result is different, though it has it's own problems, such as Flying Fish somehow surviving Torrential Tribute and Mako using the Umi card to raise the Water level on the field above the height of Joey's Fairy Box, which causes Alligator Sword to nearly suffocate and force it to abandon Fairy Box (negating that card's effect).
Yugi and Joey's duel with the Paradox Brothers (In this case done to give the villain an advantage), they fusion summon Black Skull Dragon only to find out the Labyrinth (Which itself resulted in a change of rules) is a no flying zone. Not only is this not mentioned or implied, but it is not mentioned after this either.
Even the spin-off series Yu-Gi-OhGX isn't immune to this sort of shenanigans; in episode 130, when Judai summons Elemental Hero Neos with Elemental Hero Necro-darkman's effect, this is counted as a special summon so he could bring out Elemental Hero Chaos Neos. Then in episode 133, when Judai's opponent has a spell on the field that would destroy any monster he special summoned, the same combo is treated as a normal summon. Screw the rules, they mold themselves around whatever Judai needs at a given moment!
For whatever little it's worth, the OCG effect sides with the latter episode.
I'm still on series one.
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh Stuff

Post by HomerJ »

Hulavuta wrote:Was it the same actor or was it a coincidence?
:annoyed: Coincidence? You mean two different people having the same voices. Nope, although dubbing in general is of ok quality (in comparison to other European countries), you do hear the same actors very often. It's sometimes funny to see the actor playing in a tv-series that usually lends his voice to Inspector Megure from Detective Conan.
Also interesting to follow the careers of those voice actors, one of the most heard females began as Ami from Sailor Moon, but is now the German voice of Keira Knightly and has tons of other roles too. Another guy starred as Colt in the (best americanized anime ever aired on German TV) series Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs. He is now a well known comedian/actor.

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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh Stuff

Post by Hulavuta »

"I finally figured out what the G stands for in Yu-Gi-Oh GX! Don't watch it!"

That being said, I liked the idea of a school, and I hated the idea that the school revolved around card games, but...the WHOLE FREAKING SHOW REVOLVES AROUND A CARD GAME, so that wasn't so bad. I liked the show up 'till the point where it stopped being about school.
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh Stuff

Post by ItsDaKoolaidDude »

Speaking of Yu-gi-oh in a wesnoth forum...

Why haven't we made an Era for this tcg?

And I mean specifically the monster cards and simply treating them like units (as well as limiting the number of monsters via how many types and what series, like say... 2004? At the most, and not including any of the GX and up?)

And no spells, traps or any other silly cards Yugioh's come up with outside of simply the monster cards, those damned things would be an absolute nightmare to even think about programming. No idea about the fusion units, maybe not have them as well.

Just throwing and seeing what sticks.
You spent the entire game, going in circles! It's like the equivalent of Homer Simpson doing cartwheels on the kitchen floor, and you still won?! -Johnny (BSC)
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh Stuff

Post by Ravana »

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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh Stuff

Post by ItsDaKoolaidDude »

Well damn...
You spent the entire game, going in circles! It's like the equivalent of Homer Simpson doing cartwheels on the kitchen floor, and you still won?! -Johnny (BSC)
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