A Song of the Winds (prequel to The Dragon Trilogy, SP Campaign for 1.14 & 1.15)

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Re: A Song of the Winds (prequel to The Dragon Trilogy, SP Campaign for 1.14)

Post by Ford »

Giving the sickle-sword to Abhai in At the Crossroads causes his berserk special to disappear. (I didn't check, but I guess heretics/warmongers would also be affected). Can it be fixed without replaying scenario, or should I just give it to someone else?

Also the elven druid/handmaid in Nightfall starts on the undead side instead of elves' side.
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Re: A Song of the Winds (prequel to The Dragon Trilogy, SP Campaign for 1.14)

Post by Otdoy »

Finally finished the campaign! Epic storyline, epic units. Thank you so much for the thrilling adventure and the great writing. Wish I wasn't so busy, so I could playtest more. The only other issue I ran into was in The Final Age scenario, Hathor's final form died in an attempt to kill Tiamat and it didn't trigger a defeat.

Congrats on the completion of this mega project! Oh and one thing that strangely affected me was the scenario where we fight in a mini diorama-world of Irdya. I played that one late at night and had a weird dream about it afterwards. A very novel concept, it gave me the feeling that the Windsong had tried to become true wardens of the world but just fell short. Telling a story, not just with words but with maps and terrain - quite the accomplishment. Thanks again.
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Re: A Song of the Winds (prequel to The Dragon Trilogy, SP Campaign for 1.14)

Post by revansurik »

Otdoy wrote: February 22nd, 2021, 12:43 pm Finally finished the campaign! Epic storyline, epic units. Thank you so much for the thrilling adventure and the great writing. Wish I wasn't so busy, so I could playtest more. The only other issue I ran into was in The Final Age scenario, Hathor's final form died in an attempt to kill Tiamat and it didn't trigger a defeat.

Congrats on the completion of this mega project! Oh and one thing that strangely affected me was the scenario where we fight in a mini diorama-world of Irdya. I played that one late at night and had a weird dream about it afterwards. A very novel concept, it gave me the feeling that the Windsong had tried to become true wardens of the world but just fell short. Telling a story, not just with words but with maps and terrain - quite the accomplishment. Thanks again.
I'm glad you liked it! ^_^
Yep, in my "canon" the Windsong more than once came close to becoming a much greater force than they ended up being - but circumstances were unfavourable to them. As for the map, yep, I actually modelled that entire scenario around it; the first version ended up being colossal, and I had to redesign it entirely to be more playable. And I'm talking about Hiera'Saret as a whole; the map itself had a much bigger version too, with more detailed features (rivers, for example), but it was unplayable ^^''

So, I just uploaded version 1.0.3, and some of you might appreciate that I worked a bit more on balancing some scenarios, which should now be suitably hard at the right moments, but doable.
One big issue I still need working is Dark of the Sun - pt 2's order of events, but I thought the issues listed below were more urgent :P

Code: Select all

Changelog V. 1.0.3
- Scenarios:
	- Tempest: bug which caused one of the obelisks to disappear when reloading (hopefully) shouldn't happen any more; some changes to ally and enemy sides' gold
	- Rage of the Winds: decreased enemy side's gold
	- A Glimpse of the Darkness: decreased enemy side's gold; objectives no longer determine that Kingu must be defeated by Sekmet in particular
	- Storm's Landfall: considerable revisions to enemy sides' gold; some changes to allied sides' gold; Zanami only returns at the start of her own side's turn to avoid being overwhelmed
	- Nightfall: Isilieth now appears on the right side
	- At the Crossroads of Time and Space: Sickle-Sword of Neith should no longer replace the unit's weapon specials
	- Convergence: Sekmet being onscreen when Maat returns should no longer break the scenario
	- The Calm Before the Storm: gold carryover now at 100%, preventing loss of gold
	- The Final Age: corrected bug that made Hathor's death not be a defeat condition

- Units:
	- Replaced Regenerate ability for Vitality in lvl 1 and most lvl 2 Asuri
	- Primeval is now lvl 2 instead of 3
	- Ugallu (lvl 1) no longer has skirmisher
Author of the Dragon Trilogy.

If you enjoyed A Song of Fire, War of the Jewel, Aria of the Dragon-Slayer and Soldier of Wesnoth, you may like my new project: Star of Chaos, a science-fiction mystery/adventure intended to be a trilogy
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Re: A Song of the Winds (prequel to The Dragon Trilogy, SP Campaign for 1.14)

Post by Otdoy »

Great info, very interesting your anecdotes about your original plans for Hiera'Saret.

One last comment I might make, would mostly be about how much of a letdown the Drake faction is to me. They're so easily shot down by cheaper units. For example, I have a feeling that I could have beat Sparks to the Winds with a moderate-sized gang of level 1 Couriers. It's not your level design, it just how underpowered the Drakes are as a whole. I feel that the whole faction could be revised upwards somehow, like with 5% or 10% better defense on all terrain, with +6 regen, and a light skirmishing unit that helps with map control. IMO they are the worst faction in BfW and they lead to boring "one-shot" scenarios, where you beat a massive first wave and then cakewalk to the commander. I realize it's an impractical suggestion, as so many campaigns are balanced for the current state of Drakes. But I thought I'd mention it anyway, as to me they were the only letdown in your campaign.
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Re: A Song of the Winds (prequel to The Dragon Trilogy, SP Campaign for 1.14)

Post by revansurik »

Otdoy wrote: February 24th, 2021, 3:17 pm They're so easily shot down by cheaper units. It's not your level design, it just how underpowered the Drakes are as a whole. I feel that the whole faction could be revised upwards somehow, like with 5% or 10% better defense on all terrain, with +6 regen, and a light skirmishing unit that helps with map control. IMO they are the worst faction in BfW and they lead to boring "one-shot" scenarios, where you beat a massive first wave and then cakewalk to the commander.
OMG I'M SO HAPPY TO FIND SOMEONE WHO AGREES WITH ME :lol: I've been saying for years that drakes are dismayingly easy to beat when they're supposed to be powerful and badass. It doesn't matter that they have a bit more HP than most units of the same level; their vulnerability to pierce (one of the most common damage types, especially among lvl 1 units) and especially their awful defence on every single terrain type makes their (again, only slightly higher) HP and high damage output lose a lot of meaning.
I try to make up for that by sending lvl 2/3 drakes in swarms, and programming them to be quite aggressive; in great numbers, and in daytime especially, they can be terrifying. Then again, I can't send too many high-level drakes at risk of making the scenario too difficult...
Author of the Dragon Trilogy.

If you enjoyed A Song of Fire, War of the Jewel, Aria of the Dragon-Slayer and Soldier of Wesnoth, you may like my new project: Star of Chaos, a science-fiction mystery/adventure intended to be a trilogy
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Re: A Song of the Winds (prequel to The Dragon Trilogy, SP Campaign for 1.14)

Post by Ford »

Thank you for fixing the sickle-sword, now I've got another bunch of (mostly minor) things to report:

Non-Solariel elves can't take the bow of Neith, neither can Raika (don't know about Maat).

In Realm of Power, Maat is not moved inside the Shard after the event is triggered. So if someone else triggers it, she will be left outside unable to enter.

I got another "<Invalid WML found> unknown conditional wml:[filter_second]" error message after defeating Angra Mazda in War of the Soul.

In Heralds of the Wind the initial objectives say that Abhai can recall dwarves and trolls, which isn't true. They later change to correct after making contact with friendly Aragwaithi forces.

Abhai can recruit (not recall) Windsong units in Fields of Fire, even before Windsong reinforcements actually arive.

It seems that most enemy leaders will just sit in one place and never attack even very weak unis. That includes bosses like Tyrant Apsu. While I don't remember exactly, I think enemy leaders were generally more active earlier in the campaign.

As a side note, I think Fields of Fire may be a bit too easy. I played on normal and my forces completely obliterated the drakes. It would be extremely easy even without Windsong reinforcements. Part of it is probably the fact I was able to recruit Weavers and Scribes, but even without that I don't think I would have much trouble. (On the other side, I've got elvish freedmen from Sparks to the Wind and took time to level them all up so I had a lot more powerful units. Players who didn't do the same would likely find this scenario more difficult.)
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Re: A Song of the Winds (prequel to The Dragon Trilogy, SP Campaign for 1.14)

Post by Otdoy »

revansurik wrote: February 24th, 2021, 4:27 pm OMG I'M SO HAPPY TO FIND SOMEONE WHO AGREES WITH ME :lol: I've been saying for years that drakes are dismayingly easy to beat when they're supposed to be powerful and badass.
Yeah what a waste! The faction becomes a bit more useable if you can have Saurians as flankers. But purely Drakes... and when played by the AI .... :doh:
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Re: A Song of the Winds (prequel to The Dragon Trilogy, SP Campaign for 1.14)

Post by Konrad2 »

The 'Reborn' unit line has no icon for the the attack 'claws'.

FTR, I've made it past Storm's Landfall.
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Re: A Song of the Winds (prequel to The Dragon Trilogy, SP Campaign for 1.14)

Post by Ford »

I just finished the campaign and I have enjoyed it immensely. First, a couple more bugs, problems and thoughts:

At the end of Convergence, one of Hathor's lines ("Just... What in all Nine Hells") is repeated twice. Same with Raika's "Once that is done, your death will come as a blessing" in Lightning and Fire.

In The Dragon Awakens, your allies only attack enemies that are in range. Which means that elvish and dwarvish leaders will recruit units but won't actually send them into battle.

Abhai can recruit Windsong during his battles in the Meadows despite the conversations about Order not being able to spare any troops. And he can't recruit Aragwaithi even after he united most of the Meadows under his banner, which seems strange.

In Lightning and Fire option to awaken Sekmet is available even before Hathor's arrival. In the same scenario you can close the gates before you are told to do so, and this will result in objectives changing to killing Kingu even if he hasn't appeared yet.

I have mentioned that enemy leaders often don't do anything by themselves; now it seems that it affects some leaders but not others, for example Krathon in Convergence and Kaliguniya in Final Age actively attacked my units once they got in range, but Tyrant Apsu in Final Age didn't even when there was a wounded lvl-1 unit right next to her.

In Falling Heavens, is it supposed to be extremely difficult to keep Thrandyl alive? This scenario was the one time in this campaign when I used debug, because I really didn't see any way to save him legitimately considering that my units probably wouldn't be able to reach him in time it took the drakes to crush his army even if I send them at the very beginning. Giving him some bodyguards, or maybe programming the drakes to focus on defending the city and it's surroundings instead of raiding allies' camps if it's possible could be a good idea (unless of course it was deliberate and I was supposed to find some way to protect him).

Also in Falling Heavens: near the end of the scenario Aryon is apparently supposed to fight Krathon; the problem is that his death is not a defeat condition, which means he might get killed by drakes at any point resulting in a nonsensical endlevel dialogue.

In Final Age, Hathor spawned wounded and with no movement (possibly because she was in Sekmet form when previous scenario ended?).

A very minor thing, but the dialogue in Final Age while fighting the Empress mentions 'endless hordes of Asuri' while in fact by this point all Asuri were dead and it was just my army vs Empress herself. Not really a problem, just looks strange.

As I said already, battles against drakes in final parts of the campaign seems weirdly easy (especially when compared with battles against Asuri such as Lightning and Fire, which was appropriately tough). Though then again, it may be simply that the option of getting loyal elvish freedmen unbalances it so much. Also I'm not really a good player so someone else should probably give his opinion on those scenarios.

Now, I want to say that this campaign was really great, and I enjoyed both story and gameplay a lot. I really liked how many references there were both to the Dragon Trilogy and mainline campaigns (it's cool how entire Solariel sublot serves as an explanation to that one minor Rise of Wesnoth scenario) even though I probably missed most of them. And how it gave context for many events of A Song of Fire and it's sequels. I found myself slightly confused about Ancient Ones, Worldsweave and all that stuff, I will probably have to replay the rest of the series and at least reread the dialogues from this campaign some day to get all the details. Speaking of references, I'm curious if the snow elves from At the Crossroads are supposed to be anyone in particular? I don't remember them appearing in the Trilogy, my only idea is that they are descendants of the elves who went north with Aragwaithi after the first act of ASoF.

I might still give some other thoughts if I think of anything, but for now I just want to say big thank you for creating this campaign (as well as all the others).

EDIT: I forgot to mention one thing - the interdimensional allies in Ascension are really cool, but I think you should decrease their numbers a bit. They had over 150 units near the end if I remember correctly and each turn took me several minutes even with fastest possible animations. By the way, it's a bit sad that we didn't get to see all those worlds that Maat apparently visited, but I guess that would derail the story too much.
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Re: A Song of the Winds (prequel to The Dragon Trilogy, SP Campaign for 1.14)

Post by Konrad2 »

The minotaur in the Fen scenario (freeing slaves) that 'hands me his axe' is a 'Slayer', which is not an axe wielder.

Heart in Flames
The Windsong talk about undead being able to be under water, ambushing drakes that get close. This sounds very much like the 'submerge' ability, but I only command Ghosts, who lack said ability.
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Re: A Song of the Winds (prequel to The Dragon Trilogy, SP Campaign for 1.14)

Post by revansurik »

Ford wrote: February 26th, 2021, 2:36 pm Now, I want to say that this campaign was really great, and I enjoyed both story and gameplay a lot. I really liked how many references there were both to the Dragon Trilogy and mainline campaigns (it's cool how entire Solariel sublot serves as an explanation to that one minor Rise of Wesnoth scenario) even though I probably missed most of them. And how it gave context for many events of A Song of Fire and it's sequels. I found myself slightly confused about Ancient Ones, Worldsweave and all that stuff, I will probably have to replay the rest of the series and at least reread the dialogues from this campaign some day to get all the details. Speaking of references, I'm curious if the snow elves from At the Crossroads are supposed to be anyone in particular? I don't remember them appearing in the Trilogy, my only idea is that they are descendants of the elves who went north with Aragwaithi after the first act of ASoF.

I might still give some other thoughts if I think of anything, but for now I just want to say big thank you for creating this campaign (as well as all the others).

EDIT: I forgot to mention one thing - the interdimensional allies in Ascension are really cool, but I think you should decrease their numbers a bit. They had over 150 units near the end if I remember correctly and each turn took me several minutes even with fastest possible animations. By the way, it's a bit sad that we didn't get to see all those worlds that Maat apparently visited, but I guess that would derail the story too much.
Thanks for the feedback - and most importantly, for playing it! ^_^
Well, ASotW is supposed to be the campaign that delves more deeply into the Ancient Ones and the Worldsweave - which are both only briefly mentioned elsewhere in the Dragon Trilogy ^^''
About the snow elves... I can't really say what they are without breaking the mystery ^^'' I wanted all those factions that appear in Crossroads to be mysterious, but if you pay attention to the characters dialogues whenever one of those factions is first met, you may guess where they come from ;)
I'll check those allies' gold in Ascension; I just wanted to make sure they overwhelmed the dragons :lol: As for Maat visiting those other worlds, actually the original plan was showing at least some of those worlds, but like you said, it'd derail the story too much - and putting everything in a single scenario would feel extremely rushed and underwhelming. So I thought it best to leave it to the player's imagination :)

The minotaur in the Fen scenario (freeing slaves) that 'hands me his axe' is a 'Slayer', which is not an axe wielder.

Heart in Flames
The Windsong talk about undead being able to be under water, ambushing drakes that get close. This sounds very much like the 'submerge' ability, but I only command Ghosts, who lack said ability.
I had a picture of ghosts hiding underwater and jumping out whenever a drake appeared, but I forgot ghosts can't do that :lol:
Author of the Dragon Trilogy.

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Re: A Song of the Winds (prequel to The Dragon Trilogy, SP Campaign for 1.14)

Post by Otdoy »

revansurik wrote: February 16th, 2021, 1:38 amsince Apkallu is an armoured, melee version of Ugallu, it loses the skirmisher ability and has weaker ranged attack.
Oh my!! What a great idea :P
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Re: A Song of the Winds (prequel to The Dragon Trilogy, SP Campaign for 1.14)

Post by revansurik »

Hi again!
So, I'm currently working on (among other things) porting all my campaigns to 1.15, and in the meantime giving them a little more polishing. As I'm replaying them in chronological order, A Song of the Winds was the first to join the 1.15 server.
Version 1.0.4 is thus uploaded to both 1.15 and 1.14!

Code: Select all

Changelog V. 1.0.4
- Scenarios:
	- Wanderlust: side 1 now has 'fog'; Abhai may join Maat earlier, if he's found while she's fighting the first Asuri wave; Bel-Galas now joins Maat's side rather than remain enemy
	- Storm's Landfall: Ascendants' spells should now work
	- Island of the Sun: a few new bits of dialogue
	- Dark of the Sun, pt 1: Hathor may no longer recruit/recall
	- Dark of the Sun, pt 2: increased turn limit
	- Savannah Winds: corrected dehydration image bug
	- At the Crossroads of Time and Space: raised turn limit on 'normal' and 'hard' difficulties
	- Herald of the Winds: slight changes to map; Abhai may now recall troll or dwarf units, and may no longer recruit merfolk; Thrandyl & Argerys start at a different location; Hyalith must now be attacked in order to trigger the defeat
	- Fateful Winds: Abhai can no longer recruit Windsong, but he may recruit Aragwaithi
	- Lightning and Fire: reduced the frequency of enemy waves on Normal and Easy
	- Ascension: reduced the Time-Strays' gold

- Units:
	- Corrected a few more missing animations
	- Special single attacks by Herald of Roshanee, General of Saaya and Chaos of Andhera are now 'attack only'
	- Kingu's ranged attack lessened
	- Sekmet's berserk attack may now only be used offensively; gave her a new melee attack
	- Sun Shyde now has 'illuminate' ability

- Miscelanea:
	- Various minor corrections to the writing
Author of the Dragon Trilogy.

If you enjoyed A Song of Fire, War of the Jewel, Aria of the Dragon-Slayer and Soldier of Wesnoth, you may like my new project: Star of Chaos, a science-fiction mystery/adventure intended to be a trilogy
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Re: A Song of the Winds (prequel to The Dragon Trilogy, SP Campaign for 1.14)

Post by Lord-Knightmare »

I downloaded this for 1.15 for the intention of playing it (finally):
  • Do I really need the music pack? It would take like 2 hours to download and I play with the music off and it's listed as a dependency.
  • Yes, I play Shinzou wo Sasageyo on loop while I play.
Additionally, here is the load log:

Code: Select all

Battle for Wesnoth v1.15.10 x86_64
Started on Tue Mar 09 12:40:26 2021

Automatically found a possible data directory at C:\Program Files\Battle for Wesnoth 1.15.10

Data directory:               C:\Program Files\Battle for Wesnoth 1.15.10
User configuration directory: C:\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\Wesnoth1.15
User data directory:          C:\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\Wesnoth1.15
Cache directory:              C:\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\Wesnoth1.15\cache

Setting mode to 1536x864
Checking lua scripts... ok
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
20210309 12:41:08 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro SPECIAL_NOTES_WORLDSWEAVE without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/asotw-abilities.cfg:106
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/asotw-abilities.cfg:63
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:08 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro SPECIAL_NOTES_INSPIRE without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/asotw-abilities.cfg:898
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/asotw-abilities.cfg:861
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:08 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro ABILITY_ASOF_LIFE_FORCE without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/asotw-abilities.cfg:962
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/asotw-abilities.cfg:951
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:08 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro ABILITY_DIVINE_ESSENCE without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/asotw-abilities.cfg:1120
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/asotw-abilities.cfg:934
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:08 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro SPECIAL_NOTES_DIVINE_ESSENCE without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/asotw-abilities.cfg:1135
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/asotw-abilities.cfg:948
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:08 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro ABILITY_CHAOS_AURA_4 without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/asotw-abilities.cfg:1658
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/asotw-abilities.cfg:1539
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:08 error deprecation: AI_CONTROLLER_NOTE has been deprecated and will be removed in version 1.17.0.
  A replacement is not currently provided.
20210309 12:41:08 error deprecation: AI_CONTROLLER has been deprecated and will be removed in version 1.17.0.
  A replacement is not currently provided.
20210309 12:41:08 error deprecation: ATTACK_DEPTH has been deprecated and will be removed in version 1.17.0.
  The attack_depth aspect has no effect on the AI any more.
20210309 12:41:08 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro HYDRATING_TILES without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/dehydration-utils.cfg:3
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/scenarios/25_Savannah_Winds.cfg:20
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:97
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/dehydration-utils.cfg:3
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:08 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro DEHYDRATING_TILES without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/dehydration-utils.cfg:6
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/scenarios/25_Savannah_Winds.cfg:20
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:97
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/dehydration-utils.cfg:6
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:08 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro DEHYDRATABLE_UNITS_FILTER without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/dehydration-utils.cfg:9
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/scenarios/25_Savannah_Winds.cfg:20
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:97
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/dehydration-utils.cfg:9
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:08 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro APPLY_DEHYDRATION_EFFECT without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/dehydration-utils.cfg:43
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/scenarios/25_Savannah_Winds.cfg:20
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:97
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/dehydration-utils.cfg:43
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:08 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro APPLY_HYDRATION_EFFECT without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/dehydration-utils.cfg:144
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/scenarios/25_Savannah_Winds.cfg:20
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:97
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/dehydration-utils.cfg:144
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:09 error deprecation: AI_CONTROLLER_NOTE has been deprecated and will be removed in version 1.17.0.
  A replacement is not currently provided.
20210309 12:41:09 error deprecation: AI_CONTROLLER has been deprecated and will be removed in version 1.17.0.
  A replacement is not currently provided.
20210309 12:41:09 error deprecation: AI_CONTROLLER_NOTE has been deprecated and will be removed in version 1.17.0.
  A replacement is not currently provided.
20210309 12:41:09 error deprecation: AI_CONTROLLER has been deprecated and will be removed in version 1.17.0.
  A replacement is not currently provided.
20210309 12:41:09 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro STELLARWIND without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/units/heroes/Angramazda_Lesser.cfg:100
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:105
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/units/heroes/Angramazda.cfg:103
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:105
20210309 12:41:09 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro MAAT_LIGHTNING without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/units/heroes/Worldsweave_Herald.cfg:158
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:105
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/units/heroes/High_Ascendant.cfg:150
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:105
20210309 12:41:09 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro ABILITY_INSPIRE without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/macros/abilities-new.cfg:13
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:123
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/asotw-abilities.cfg:864
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:09 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro ABILITY_DISENGAGE without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/macros/abilities-new.cfg:187
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:123
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/asotw-abilities.cfg:984
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:09 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro WINDSONG_RUNES without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/macros/animation-utils.cfg:1368
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:123
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/animation.cfg:145
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:09 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro WINDSONG_POISON_RUNES without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/macros/animation-utils.cfg:1453
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:123
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/animation.cfg:195
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:09 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro WINDSONG_DRAINING_RUNES without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/macros/animation-utils.cfg:1538
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:123
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/animation.cfg:280
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:09 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro WEAPON_SPECIAL_DAZE without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/macros/nightmare-utils.cfg:100
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:123
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/asotw-abilities.cfg:1237
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:09 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro NOTE_SHOCK without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/macros/special-notes.cfg:39
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:123
previously defined at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/macros/abilities-new.cfg:118
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:123
20210309 12:41:09 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro NOTE_DISTRACT without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/macros/special-notes.cfg:153
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:123
previously defined at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/macros/abilities-new.cfg:142
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:123
20210309 12:41:09 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro NOTE_DAZE without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/macros/special-notes.cfg:171
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:123
previously defined at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/macros/abilities-new.cfg:136
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:123
20210309 12:41:09 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro WEAPON_SPECIAL_ATTACK_ONLY without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/macros/weapon-specials.cfg:16
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:123
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/asotw-abilities.cfg:1302
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:09 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro WEAPON_SPECIAL_COUNTER without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/macros/weapon-specials.cfg:56
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:123
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/asotw-abilities.cfg:1369
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:09 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro WEAPON_SPECIAL_SHOCK without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/macros/weapon-specials.cfg:90
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:123
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/asotw-abilities.cfg:1252
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:09 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro GRYPHON_THUNDERLORD_LIGHTNING without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/units/dwarves/Gryphon_Thunderlord.cfg:74
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:128
previously defined at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/units/dwarves/Gryphon_Thunderlord.cfg:74
    included from ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/units/dwarves.cfg:3
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:125
20210309 12:41:09 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro PROPHETESS_LIGHTNING without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/units/human-mages/Mage_Prophetess_of_Light.cfg:232
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:139
previously defined at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/units/human-mages/Mage_Prophetess_of_Light.cfg:232
    included from ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/units/human-mages.cfg:3
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:125
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Galiyan Ship encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Wizard encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Angry One encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Black Cat encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Calamity encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Inquisitor encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Jinx Beast encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Raging One encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Rash One encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Reckless One encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Scornful Watcher encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Spiteful Watcher encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Unhatched encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Gallant Carapace encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Carapace encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Warrior Carapace encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Dwarvish Annalist encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Dwarvish Arbalestier encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Dwarvish Crossbowman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Gryphon Thunderlord encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Dwarvish Loremaster encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Dwarvish Marksman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Dwarvish Witness encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Brazier Imp encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Brazier Whelpling encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Djinn encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Ethereal Orb encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Fire Ghost encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Fire Wisp encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Furnace Beast encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Ice Crab encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Ice Shell encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Kobold encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Lava Behemoth encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Lava Giant encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Nymph encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Razorbird encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Stone Golem encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Stone Titan encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Sylph encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Thunderbird encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Tidal encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Undine encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Vine Beast encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Vine Tiger encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Wisp encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Zephyr encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Southern Archer encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Southern Captain encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Southern Champion encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Southern Chieftain encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Empyrean Druid encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Southern Guard encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Southern Hunter encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Southern Marksman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Moon Cleric encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Moon Enchantress encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Southern Mystic encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Southern Protector encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Southern Sharpshooter encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Sun Priestess encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Sun Sorceress encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Southern Warrior encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Elvish Acolyte encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Elvish Ascetic encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Elvish Avatar encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Elvish Hunter encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Elvish Mystic encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Elvish Noble encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Elvish Prowler encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Elvish Trapper encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Elvish Wayfarer encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Faerie Dryad encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Faerie Spirit encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Faerie Sprite encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Fire Faerie encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Gargoyle encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Marlgoyle encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Gnoll Deadeye encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Gnoll Marksman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Gnoll encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Adept encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Ancient Banner encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Archer encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Captain encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Eagle Master encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Eagle Rider encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Enchantress encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Flagbearer encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Greatbow encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Guard encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Guardian encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Lancer encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Longswordsman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Pikeman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Scout encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Shield Guard encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Silver Shield encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Slayer encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Sorceress encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Spearman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Strongbow encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Swordsman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Swordsmaster encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Black Knight encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Cataphract encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Cavalry encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Heavy Cavalry encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Soldier encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Supreme Warlord encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=War Grandmaster encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Warmaster encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Warrior encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Arbalestier encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Archer encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Berserker encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Cavalier encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Champion encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Commander encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Crossbowman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Crusher encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Doctor encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Elite Longbowman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Enforcer encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Executioner encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Guardian encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Gunner encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Halberdier encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Healer encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Horseman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Knight encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Longbowman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Medic encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Pillager encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Sentinel encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Soldier encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Spearman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Subaltern encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Swordsman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Trooper encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Mounted Bowman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Chevalier encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Crusader encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Custodian encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Infantryman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Javelin Master encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Sentry encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Titanium Decimator encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Adept of Light encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Cleric encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Forest Mage encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Mage of Nature encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Prophetess of Light encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Mage of Storms encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Tempest Mage encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Thunder Mage encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Wood Mage encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Axeman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Axemaster encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Axethrower encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Huntress encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Prowler encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Shadow Initiate encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Shadow Lord encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Shadow Mage encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Shaman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Sorcerer encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Tracker encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Wizard encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Minotaur Behemoth encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Minotaur Ancient Behemoth encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Boar Cataphract encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Boar Knight encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Boar Rider encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Minotaur Cutthroat encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Minotaur Elder encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Minotaur Executioner encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Minotaur Gore encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Minotaur Mystic encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Minotaur Overlord encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Minotaur Rouser encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Minotaur Savage encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Minotaur Shaman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Minotaur Slayer encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Minotaur Warlock encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Dust Devil encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Great Ogre encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Ice Ghost encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Sky Crystal encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Sky Shard encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Wyrm encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Young Gryphon encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Naga Guardian encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Naga Hunter encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Naga Marksman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Naga Sentinel encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Naga Warden encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Cloud of Gloom encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Death Spectre encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Eternal Night encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Howling Darkness encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Life Thief encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Soul Snatcher encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Orcish Raider encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Orcish Shaman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Orcish Sorcerer encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Orcish Terror encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Orcish Warlock encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Troll Boulderlobber encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Troll Warbanner encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Troll Warmonger encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Deathmaster encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Elder Lich Lord encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Initiate encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Lich Lord encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Bone Knight encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Dark Invader encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Dark Rider encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Death Baron encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Skeleton Rider encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Shadowback encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Blood Apprentice encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Blood Hulk encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Blood Manipulator encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Bloodborn encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Day Hunter encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Duchess encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Vampire Duelist encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Fledgeling encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Flesh Artisan encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Half Blood encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Malborn encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Methusalem encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Mistress encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Vampire Noble encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Sangel encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Sire encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Sword Dancer encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Thin Blood encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Twilight Walker encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=True Vampire Bat encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Vampiric Blood Bat encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Vampiric Dread Bat encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Arbiter encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Ascendant encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Courier encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Dreadnought encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Emissary encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Envoy encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Farstrider encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Gatekeeper encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Harbinger encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Herald encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Heretic encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Librarian encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Lorekeeper encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Oathkeeper encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Pathfinder encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Prophetess encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Reaver encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Rune Forger encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Savant encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Scribe encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Seeker encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Skyrunner encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Stormbringer encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Warmonger encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Weaver encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Wose Sapling encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Wose Shaman encountered.
20210309 12:41:11 error audio: cannot open track 'Stella_Splendens.ogg'; disabled in this playlist.
20210309 12:41:17 error audio: cannot open track 'LunarCage.ogg'; disabled in this playlist.
20210309 12:41:17 error audio: cannot open track 'a3deap_HighInTheMountains.ogg'; disabled in this playlist.
20210309 12:42:31 warning filesystem: Conflicting files in binary_path: 'C:\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\Wesnoth1.15\data\add-ons\A_Song_of_the_Winds\images\attacks\tornado.png' and 'C:\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\Wesnoth1.15\data\add-ons\War_of_Legends\images\attacks\tornado.png'
20210309 12:42:52 warning filesystem: Conflicting files in binary_path: 'C:\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\Wesnoth1.15\data\add-ons\A_Song_of_the_Winds\images\attacks\cipher.png' and 'C:\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\Wesnoth1.15\data\add-ons\War_of_Legends\images\attacks\cipher.png'
20210309 12:43:05 warning filesystem: Conflicting files in binary_path: 'C:\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\Wesnoth1.15\data\add-ons\A_Song_of_the_Winds\images\attacks\cipher-sorrow.png' and 'C:\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\Wesnoth1.15\data\add-ons\War_of_Legends\images\attacks\cipher-sorrow.png'
20210309 12:43:05 warning filesystem: Conflicting files in binary_path: 'C:\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\Wesnoth1.15\data\add-ons\A_Song_of_the_Winds\images\attacks\cipher-memory.png' and 'C:\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\Wesnoth1.15\data\add-ons\War_of_Legends\images\attacks\cipher-memory.png'
20210309 12:43:05 warning filesystem: Conflicting files in binary_path: 'C:\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\Wesnoth1.15\data\add-ons\A_Song_of_the_Winds\images\attacks\cipher-death.png' and 'C:\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\Wesnoth1.15\data\add-ons\War_of_Legends\images\attacks\cipher-death.png'
20210309 12:44:31 error display: could not open image 'attacks/fire-fist.png'
20210309 12:44:36 error display: could not open image 'attacks/void-touch.png'
20210309 12:44:36 error display: could not open image 'attacks/nova-wail.png'
20210309 12:44:37 error display: could not open image 'attacks/starscream.png'
20210309 12:44:50 error display: could not open image 'attacks/web-ice.png'
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile

Creator of "War of Legends"
Creator of the Isle of Mists survival scenario.
Maintainer of Forward They Cried
User:Knyghtmare | My Medium
User avatar
Posts: 604
Joined: October 17th, 2012, 11:40 pm
Location: Brazil

Re: A Song of the Winds (prequel to The Dragon Trilogy, SP Campaign for 1.14)

Post by revansurik »

Lord-Knightmare wrote: March 9th, 2021, 6:52 am I downloaded this for 1.15 for the intention of playing it (finally):
  • Do I really need the music pack? It would take like 2 hours to download and I play with the music off and it's listed as a dependency.
  • Yes, I play Shinzou wo Sasageyo on loop while I play.
Additionally, here is the load log:

Code: Select all

Battle for Wesnoth v1.15.10 x86_64
Started on Tue Mar 09 12:40:26 2021

Automatically found a possible data directory at C:\Program Files\Battle for Wesnoth 1.15.10

Data directory:               C:\Program Files\Battle for Wesnoth 1.15.10
User configuration directory: C:\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\Wesnoth1.15
User data directory:          C:\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\Wesnoth1.15
Cache directory:              C:\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\Wesnoth1.15\cache

Setting mode to 1536x864
Checking lua scripts... ok
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
20210309 12:41:08 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro SPECIAL_NOTES_WORLDSWEAVE without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/asotw-abilities.cfg:106
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/asotw-abilities.cfg:63
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:08 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro SPECIAL_NOTES_INSPIRE without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/asotw-abilities.cfg:898
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/asotw-abilities.cfg:861
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:08 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro ABILITY_ASOF_LIFE_FORCE without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/asotw-abilities.cfg:962
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/asotw-abilities.cfg:951
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:08 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro ABILITY_DIVINE_ESSENCE without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/asotw-abilities.cfg:1120
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/asotw-abilities.cfg:934
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:08 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro SPECIAL_NOTES_DIVINE_ESSENCE without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/asotw-abilities.cfg:1135
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/asotw-abilities.cfg:948
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:08 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro ABILITY_CHAOS_AURA_4 without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/asotw-abilities.cfg:1658
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/asotw-abilities.cfg:1539
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:08 error deprecation: AI_CONTROLLER_NOTE has been deprecated and will be removed in version 1.17.0.
  A replacement is not currently provided.
20210309 12:41:08 error deprecation: AI_CONTROLLER has been deprecated and will be removed in version 1.17.0.
  A replacement is not currently provided.
20210309 12:41:08 error deprecation: ATTACK_DEPTH has been deprecated and will be removed in version 1.17.0.
  The attack_depth aspect has no effect on the AI any more.
20210309 12:41:08 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro HYDRATING_TILES without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/dehydration-utils.cfg:3
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/scenarios/25_Savannah_Winds.cfg:20
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:97
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/dehydration-utils.cfg:3
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:08 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro DEHYDRATING_TILES without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/dehydration-utils.cfg:6
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/scenarios/25_Savannah_Winds.cfg:20
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:97
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/dehydration-utils.cfg:6
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:08 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro DEHYDRATABLE_UNITS_FILTER without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/dehydration-utils.cfg:9
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/scenarios/25_Savannah_Winds.cfg:20
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:97
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/dehydration-utils.cfg:9
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:08 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro APPLY_DEHYDRATION_EFFECT without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/dehydration-utils.cfg:43
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/scenarios/25_Savannah_Winds.cfg:20
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:97
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/dehydration-utils.cfg:43
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:08 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro APPLY_HYDRATION_EFFECT without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/dehydration-utils.cfg:144
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/scenarios/25_Savannah_Winds.cfg:20
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:97
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/dehydration-utils.cfg:144
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:09 error deprecation: AI_CONTROLLER_NOTE has been deprecated and will be removed in version 1.17.0.
  A replacement is not currently provided.
20210309 12:41:09 error deprecation: AI_CONTROLLER has been deprecated and will be removed in version 1.17.0.
  A replacement is not currently provided.
20210309 12:41:09 error deprecation: AI_CONTROLLER_NOTE has been deprecated and will be removed in version 1.17.0.
  A replacement is not currently provided.
20210309 12:41:09 error deprecation: AI_CONTROLLER has been deprecated and will be removed in version 1.17.0.
  A replacement is not currently provided.
20210309 12:41:09 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro STELLARWIND without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/units/heroes/Angramazda_Lesser.cfg:100
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:105
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/units/heroes/Angramazda.cfg:103
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:105
20210309 12:41:09 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro MAAT_LIGHTNING without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/units/heroes/Worldsweave_Herald.cfg:158
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:105
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/units/heroes/High_Ascendant.cfg:150
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:105
20210309 12:41:09 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro ABILITY_INSPIRE without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/macros/abilities-new.cfg:13
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:123
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/asotw-abilities.cfg:864
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:09 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro ABILITY_DISENGAGE without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/macros/abilities-new.cfg:187
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:123
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/asotw-abilities.cfg:984
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:09 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro WINDSONG_RUNES without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/macros/animation-utils.cfg:1368
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:123
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/animation.cfg:145
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:09 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro WINDSONG_POISON_RUNES without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/macros/animation-utils.cfg:1453
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:123
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/animation.cfg:195
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:09 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro WINDSONG_DRAINING_RUNES without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/macros/animation-utils.cfg:1538
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:123
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/animation.cfg:280
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:09 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro WEAPON_SPECIAL_DAZE without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/macros/nightmare-utils.cfg:100
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:123
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/asotw-abilities.cfg:1237
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:09 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro NOTE_SHOCK without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/macros/special-notes.cfg:39
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:123
previously defined at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/macros/abilities-new.cfg:118
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:123
20210309 12:41:09 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro NOTE_DISTRACT without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/macros/special-notes.cfg:153
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:123
previously defined at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/macros/abilities-new.cfg:142
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:123
20210309 12:41:09 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro NOTE_DAZE without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/macros/special-notes.cfg:171
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:123
previously defined at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/macros/abilities-new.cfg:136
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:123
20210309 12:41:09 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro WEAPON_SPECIAL_ATTACK_ONLY without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/macros/weapon-specials.cfg:16
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:123
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/asotw-abilities.cfg:1302
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:09 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro WEAPON_SPECIAL_COUNTER without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/macros/weapon-specials.cfg:56
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:123
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/asotw-abilities.cfg:1369
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:09 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro WEAPON_SPECIAL_SHOCK without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/macros/weapon-specials.cfg:90
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:123
previously defined at ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/utils/asotw-abilities.cfg:1252
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:95
20210309 12:41:09 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro GRYPHON_THUNDERLORD_LIGHTNING without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/units/dwarves/Gryphon_Thunderlord.cfg:74
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:128
previously defined at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/units/dwarves/Gryphon_Thunderlord.cfg:74
    included from ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/units/dwarves.cfg:3
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:125
20210309 12:41:09 warning preprocessor: Redefining macro PROPHETESS_LIGHTNING without explicit #undef at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/units/human-mages/Mage_Prophetess_of_Light.cfg:232
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:139
previously defined at ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/units/human-mages/Mage_Prophetess_of_Light.cfg:232
    included from ~add-ons/War_of_Legends/units/human-mages.cfg:3
    included from ~add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/_main.cfg:125
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Galiyan Ship encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Wizard encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Angry One encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Black Cat encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Calamity encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Inquisitor encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Jinx Beast encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Raging One encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Rash One encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Reckless One encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Scornful Watcher encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Spiteful Watcher encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Unhatched encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Gallant Carapace encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Carapace encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Warrior Carapace encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Dwarvish Annalist encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Dwarvish Arbalestier encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Dwarvish Crossbowman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Gryphon Thunderlord encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Dwarvish Loremaster encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Dwarvish Marksman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Dwarvish Witness encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Brazier Imp encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Brazier Whelpling encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Djinn encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Ethereal Orb encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Fire Ghost encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Fire Wisp encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Furnace Beast encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Ice Crab encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Ice Shell encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Kobold encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Lava Behemoth encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Lava Giant encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Nymph encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Razorbird encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Stone Golem encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Stone Titan encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Sylph encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Thunderbird encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Tidal encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Undine encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Vine Beast encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Vine Tiger encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Wisp encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Zephyr encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Southern Archer encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Southern Captain encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Southern Champion encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Southern Chieftain encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Empyrean Druid encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Southern Guard encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Southern Hunter encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Southern Marksman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Moon Cleric encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Moon Enchantress encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Southern Mystic encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Southern Protector encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Southern Sharpshooter encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Sun Priestess encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Sun Sorceress encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Southern Warrior encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Elvish Acolyte encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Elvish Ascetic encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Elvish Avatar encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Elvish Hunter encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Elvish Mystic encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Elvish Noble encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Elvish Prowler encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Elvish Trapper encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Elvish Wayfarer encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Faerie Dryad encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Faerie Spirit encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Faerie Sprite encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Fire Faerie encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Gargoyle encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Marlgoyle encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Gnoll Deadeye encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Gnoll Marksman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Gnoll encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Adept encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Ancient Banner encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Archer encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Captain encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Eagle Master encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Eagle Rider encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Enchantress encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Flagbearer encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Greatbow encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Guard encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Guardian encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Lancer encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Longswordsman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Pikeman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Scout encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Shield Guard encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Silver Shield encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Slayer encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Sorceress encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Spearman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Strongbow encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Swordsman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Aragwaith Swordsmaster encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Black Knight encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Cataphract encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Cavalry encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Heavy Cavalry encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Soldier encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Supreme Warlord encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=War Grandmaster encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Warmaster encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Warrior encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Arbalestier encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Archer encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Berserker encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Cavalier encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Champion encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Commander encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Crossbowman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Crusher encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Doctor encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Elite Longbowman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Enforcer encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Executioner encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Guardian encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Gunner encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Halberdier encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Healer encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Horseman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Knight encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Longbowman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Medic encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Pillager encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Sentinel encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Soldier encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Spearman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Subaltern encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Swordsman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Legion Trooper encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Mounted Bowman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Chevalier encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Crusader encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Custodian encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Infantryman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Javelin Master encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Sentry encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Titanium Decimator encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Adept of Light encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Cleric encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Forest Mage encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Mage of Nature encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Prophetess of Light encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Mage of Storms encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Tempest Mage encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Thunder Mage encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Wood Mage encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Axeman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Axemaster encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Axethrower encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Huntress encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Prowler encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Shadow Initiate encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Shadow Lord encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Shadow Mage encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Shaman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Sorcerer encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Tracker encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Wizard encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Minotaur Behemoth encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Minotaur Ancient Behemoth encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Boar Cataphract encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Boar Knight encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Boar Rider encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Minotaur Cutthroat encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Minotaur Elder encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Minotaur Executioner encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Minotaur Gore encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Minotaur Mystic encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Minotaur Overlord encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Minotaur Rouser encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Minotaur Savage encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Minotaur Shaman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Minotaur Slayer encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Minotaur Warlock encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Dust Devil encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Great Ogre encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Ice Ghost encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Sky Crystal encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Sky Shard encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Wyrm encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Young Gryphon encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Naga Guardian encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Naga Hunter encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Naga Marksman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Naga Sentinel encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Naga Warden encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Cloud of Gloom encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Death Spectre encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Eternal Night encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Howling Darkness encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Life Thief encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Soul Snatcher encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Orcish Raider encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Orcish Shaman encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Orcish Sorcerer encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Orcish Terror encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Orcish Warlock encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Troll Boulderlobber encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Troll Warbanner encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Troll Warmonger encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Deathmaster encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Elder Lich Lord encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Initiate encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Lich Lord encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Bone Knight encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Dark Invader encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Dark Rider encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Death Baron encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Skeleton Rider encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Shadowback encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Blood Apprentice encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Blood Hulk encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Blood Manipulator encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Bloodborn encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Day Hunter encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Duchess encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Vampire Duelist encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Fledgeling encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Flesh Artisan encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Half Blood encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Malborn encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Methusalem encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Mistress encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Vampire Noble encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Sangel encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Sire encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Sword Dancer encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Thin Blood encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Twilight Walker encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=True Vampire Bat encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Vampiric Blood Bat encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Vampiric Dread Bat encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Arbiter encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Ascendant encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Courier encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Dreadnought encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Emissary encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Envoy encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Farstrider encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Gatekeeper encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Harbinger encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Herald encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Heretic encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Librarian encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Lorekeeper encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Oathkeeper encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Pathfinder encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Prophetess encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Reaver encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Rune Forger encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Savant encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Scribe encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Seeker encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Skyrunner encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Stormbringer encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Warmonger encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Weaver encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Wose Sapling encountered.
20210309 12:41:10 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=Wose Shaman encountered.
20210309 12:41:11 error audio: cannot open track 'Stella_Splendens.ogg'; disabled in this playlist.
20210309 12:41:17 error audio: cannot open track 'LunarCage.ogg'; disabled in this playlist.
20210309 12:41:17 error audio: cannot open track 'a3deap_HighInTheMountains.ogg'; disabled in this playlist.
20210309 12:42:31 warning filesystem: Conflicting files in binary_path: 'C:\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\Wesnoth1.15\data\add-ons\A_Song_of_the_Winds\images\attacks\tornado.png' and 'C:\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\Wesnoth1.15\data\add-ons\War_of_Legends\images\attacks\tornado.png'
20210309 12:42:52 warning filesystem: Conflicting files in binary_path: 'C:\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\Wesnoth1.15\data\add-ons\A_Song_of_the_Winds\images\attacks\cipher.png' and 'C:\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\Wesnoth1.15\data\add-ons\War_of_Legends\images\attacks\cipher.png'
20210309 12:43:05 warning filesystem: Conflicting files in binary_path: 'C:\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\Wesnoth1.15\data\add-ons\A_Song_of_the_Winds\images\attacks\cipher-sorrow.png' and 'C:\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\Wesnoth1.15\data\add-ons\War_of_Legends\images\attacks\cipher-sorrow.png'
20210309 12:43:05 warning filesystem: Conflicting files in binary_path: 'C:\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\Wesnoth1.15\data\add-ons\A_Song_of_the_Winds\images\attacks\cipher-memory.png' and 'C:\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\Wesnoth1.15\data\add-ons\War_of_Legends\images\attacks\cipher-memory.png'
20210309 12:43:05 warning filesystem: Conflicting files in binary_path: 'C:\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\Wesnoth1.15\data\add-ons\A_Song_of_the_Winds\images\attacks\cipher-death.png' and 'C:\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\Wesnoth1.15\data\add-ons\War_of_Legends\images\attacks\cipher-death.png'
20210309 12:44:31 error display: could not open image 'attacks/fire-fist.png'
20210309 12:44:36 error display: could not open image 'attacks/void-touch.png'
20210309 12:44:36 error display: could not open image 'attacks/nova-wail.png'
20210309 12:44:37 error display: could not open image 'attacks/starscream.png'
20210309 12:44:50 error display: could not open image 'attacks/web-ice.png'
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile

Well, the music is an important part of the storytelling but it's not essential ^^"
Now, wth is that load log? O.o Were you unable to load the campaign?
Author of the Dragon Trilogy.

If you enjoyed A Song of Fire, War of the Jewel, Aria of the Dragon-Slayer and Soldier of Wesnoth, you may like my new project: Star of Chaos, a science-fiction mystery/adventure intended to be a trilogy
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