Drama Drama :)

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Drama Drama :)

Post by Floris »

Hi, everyone :) I am FLORIS !
(I'm dropping a picture of me, so you see I'm not some confused kid :P )

This is my first time here (in the forum) and possibly last... Because i am tired and i have no more powers to fight windmills...
I would like to share my story to those whom it may concern... To those who trust and love me.
In case you don't know me, or you think i am lying... You better leave this topic now and save your time.

So it all begins... In the hot summer of 2003.

A new game was born and released - open source and Linux based.
"Hm, i will give it a go" - Oh i see some "Heroes" i see Chess, i see some Warcraft (elves, orcs...)
Lets go... And day by day, i fell in love with this game. Those years (20 years ago) were intense and unique. Computer gaming started to be a thing.
Diablo, Wolfenstein, Serious Sam, Counter Strike, Warcraft, Starcraft... Suddenly so many new RPG games popped and so many first person view games...
Wesnoth was not so attractive game, but the idea behind it, is great! That's why, I'm still here playing it, after all these years. Blizzard was dominating the PC game world, and it was time for the cherry on the top of the cake, World of Warcraft ! At the time i have been very dedicated to their games, so i was invited to play Beta Test server, before people even know there is such a game coming out! (You know it is fun, but still reporting bugs, and helping to perfect it, is a bit of responsibility). Anyway this gaming company is gone, Dos effect ! But the game is up and for almost 20 years is the best game in the world ! At some point i got bored and left it. (I'm not bragging and feeding my ego, this is in the past, i just share some background so you see that I'm not "a random" - if i know something in this life - it is gaming !
Wesnoth idea of, no matter how good u are, or how lost you are - gamble will point out the end result ! The Surprising moment in this game, is why we play it.

About 10 years later, here some kids started stealing nicknames. it wasn't popular to have registered account, just type ur nick and play, but i was recommended to register my name so they don't take it. And voilå, i did it. I use my name FLORIS in 100s of games for over 20 years. Therefore i cant let someone take and misuse/abuse my identity - i have reputation and people knows me, respect me !

I have high moral standards, that don't match most of the gaming communities, turns out and here is not different! Anyway, to me Honour, Respect, Pride, Friendship, Fairplay and Fun are very important ! One Name ! One Man ! One account! One love (lol lil joke) !
I am against anything out of the game ! Hacks, Cheats, 3d party modes, forums, facebook/discord groups... forum gold/real cash or Anything that keeps the players out of the main idea !
Some people advice me - Wesnoth forum is very important, sure it is, but i have managed 19 years to play without visiting the forum, i bet i can do another 19 :)

When i get hooked to a game, i play 24/7 till i prove to MY SELF im the best, then i quit and look for another challenge (game)!
For example in the first official WOW server i did not join or made any guild, just playing solo from 1 to 60 (max) level ! I get invitations all the time to join guilds, but i have always answer them - I'm ONE MAN ARMY ! They ask but how do u do dungeons, well my name is well known I get invitations all the time, from a top guilds to help them in raids !

So Name and Honour is always what i care and have ! Some wesnoth players, recommend me to register a new nick and save my hassle with this topic... But i don't think so,,, People who change names to hide their stoopidity and immorality, using multiple accounts, or tricks to profit - NO RESPECT !
Hardworking and dedication is the key to success !

There was times where my dedication have been mistaken with bots/cheats/hacks ! For example when i made first, world's hardcore-character level 99 (max) in Diablo II Lord Of Destruction (i have done that few times), i have been accused in everything possible.
He is not alone, they are 3 or more people, playing with the same account. He use hacks that play the game while he sleeps. I have heard so many crazy things about me, because there is so many people who's ego turns them delusional. Cant accept that someone else can be better than you in something ! And they are always offended or unhappy ! I think they call them "millennials" :) and that (comment) just made me an old grumpy geezer :) facts are facts :) i have been playing the first computer game back in 1985/6 i think it was tennis - 2 bars going up and down on the both sides and 1 dot running as a ball ! That turns me into a living gamer fossil :)

When i get in trouble ! What do i do ! I go complain to admins, and cry ? Of course not, i can handle it my self. I started to live stream in twitch.tv while i play.
"OMG he plays 24/7, he never sleeps", or "maybe they are twins" lol :D Oh God help me :) I'm giving up... People who knows me... - "Floris i will report u to the police" - "YOU WILL DIE" ! 7 days and nights not 1 min sleep ! Well if you want to win the game u have to play, if u go sleep u wake up not first in line !
So after 2 months Baalruns, Ding first in the world ! And my ego feels so good, i just didn't understand why my mum didn't appreciate it and greet me for my achievements (I'm so sarcastic, surprising my self).
So at the end, everyone shut up - and hats were down !

Lets cut to the chase, Wesnoth !

Arrogant grumpy bully kids - i love to hurt their feelings :)
Smart humble new players i help them to grow in games and show them tricks and how to play and all the secrets of a game !
And they respect me for that ! When i see a beginner, i don't bully i help him ! So there is more people in the game, so i don't have to wait 1h to start a battle ! (ah back in the days, when here we had so many people, was so fun... Now we are like 50 good players - all the same, no new faces and it is getting boring). Wesnoth masters should consider some adds or other capitalist tricks to pop the game a little bit, so more people come !

However, year ago or even two, i have met one player with a name garad4 for sure he wasn't new, but he was new to me ! We had 100s of games together and a lot of fun, i liked him a lot, i believe he enjoyed my company too - or he simply will not play with me everyday every game ! Something went wrong on the first day - FIRST GAME ! Of "Isar Foundation"... I have no idea what is that even today ! I thought its a bot that helps lazy players to start games :D
Turned out there is ranking and other things, but that later...
He lost the game - he raged and told me, now i will ban you from Isar Foundation, and what do u think i answered ! Of course i lol-ed :)
So that player garad4, surprised me a lot with complete behaviour change ! He turned evil, and so much hate and negativity... But what shocked me i really got ban and couldn't join those bot Isars so i just kept hosting my own like i have done last 18 years :D and i lol-ed one more time...

Anyway my loving, giving, and forgiving nature, do not really like drama and negativity, so i did not take that serious and i thought, "Ah that kid needs a break to calm his horses down".

To make fun of me, is fine, to call me names, is fine, to use any swearwords in any language towards me, my family (somehow people rly like my mum)
I DONT MIND ! Words don't make holes ! My ego is big enough to care for it self and don't even hear such a minor things...
Nothing bothers me !
BUT ! You mess up with my game, this is physical ! I physically can not play a map and that is not okay ! You block me from enjoying my self ! So no more Mr. Nice guy, i told him to leave me alone and forget about me...

Summer comes i rush the beaches, sorry Wesnoth :) i know u feel me...
winter is here i
I am back :) 24/7...
Oh wait new patch oh wait 2 of them...
Back in 1:14 i had 1 Isar "foundation" game and i ate ban. Therefore i think, that guy, is in charge of it, or has access to the controls, or he is very close to the person who is behind, i don't know and i don't care, but facts and logics can not fool me !

Now in 1:16 i did notice i can join that Isar bot again, ( no no i don't want to play it, just that's the only game, sometimes...)
So i play and i play, and someone mention, "Hey Floris, if you are such a pro, why ur ranking is so low" - i said what ranking, he said - isar!
Well mate, I'm not interested in such a ranking and I'm not reporting wins, but it made me think, so i started reporting my wins, but i already had who knows over 100 Isar games behind me...
So all goes fine for few weeks, mean while a dude with nick 5dpz or something like that, pops in and ask me, -"HEY Man, you have some nice maps, why don't u share them with me, and i can run them as a bot"!
Sometimes i get bored and i go design maps, new, weird, funny, pro maps, different and funny... And i host them often so i thought, hm i don't know this player, but i believe he have seen them when i was playing them before !
Don't remember, what happen, all that topic was left hanging and I even forgot !
But at some point we play we play and i had few games with 5dpz and I notice he has the same gameplay style as garad4 !
So my red lamp was - ding ding! Dude this is him he has changed nick name again ! (again cos i know he had other username too, beside garad4, but this 5d nick was new to me.

I did ask some old active players - hey guys, what's up with that kiddo garad4, why he is missing, or he changed nick ! they say we don't know... Sure...

At the end i can not prove this is same person with few different names, but i know I'm right ! Too many coincidences, and it may sounds ego, but come on guys, i play this game a lot, i know almost everyone, i know who how play and act-react ! 99.99% i know it is him ! Sad as it is, all that stays speculation, because i have no any prove...

On 5th of Feb 2022 (Saturday early) 5dzp msg me - "Wtf how come u are third - you sux u cant be 3d in ranking", i said " calm down ur boobies... there is a ladder? how do i check it?" (I knew there is ranking, I didn't knew there is a ladder list, where you can see your positions)

5dpz - Well type leaderboard
flo - i did, nothing happens, oh forget it, im not interested anyway...
5dpz - no no you have to type /m IsarFoundation leaderboard
flo - ah ! now i see, lol you are 2nd (i saw), "ill pass u by sundown" ! (but i realized im busy that day so i said) no no, im busy today, but give me 2 days :)
5dpz - you can not pass me, i have stack of not reported games that i can report anytime i like and will get the reputation needed to end up first, i have done it in 1:14 i was first !
flo - kid u stand no chance against me !

(this is not quotes but 80% exact words he and me used)

I was noobing around and somehow i open a list with help commands of that bot, then i saw that i have over 100 wins, 6x lost and who knows 40-50 not reported games (+ the reported 50-60 as lost games and voila, that is the about 100/110 games i have done before starting to participate in ladder) !
Ah another thing is that i remember very well (no screenshot available) i had 201 games and later on i see they dropped to 191 :D - Must be a magic. Or someone is touching there ! Number of games should always go higher but not lower ! If so called "Admin" is not happy with something, he can swap my wins to loss or in reverse (up to his mood) BUT ! How come numbers of the games i had dropped - stays a mystery to me - well i know what is going on, but it will be rude of me to point it out - i prefer their consciousness to explain it )

Ahaaaaaa , this is how he do it, he stack wins and he report them when is needed to pass someone in ranking !
So i thought, if i report the games i have won before i have been told about the ranking, i will get the reputation needed :) And voila im first !
even i had like 20-30 games left to report ! but i didn't cos i was first anyway !
if i have 160-70 games (at the moment of the act), do u think i know what number what isar game i did ofcоurse not !

Look the screenshot i share !
1.Won 2.Lost 3.Unfinished !
1. Wins are the games that i or my team mate have reported after a win!
2. The lost are the games that the enemy team reported after i lost lost !
3. The unfinished are all the wins i haven't reported from before starting to participate (how i know those are my wins - well i don't cos it is simply numbers and after 100s of isar's i have no idea what number of the game and what happen in it !)
But my logic said, if the enemy team reports their wins, then those unfinished games are my wins from before !

You can not report games u haven't play ! How i know ! Sometimes i misspell a number and it says - YOU HAVENT PLAY THAT GAME !
What if this game number i report is not a win of mine ! Well the other side will send a check request and numbers will be corrected ! Right !

Anyway 5dzp pushed my buttons and lured me in this madness - to be part of IsarScamnation, oh pardon Foundation !

To make the long story short...
5dzp told me - "u will get ban now", and boom again i got ban :) but few min before that some guy Dwarftough, message me: -"Are you cheating?"
My answer was - "LoL" - what else would i answer (to unknown person), and my first thought was that this is also 5d (at some point paranoia starts to grow) turned out this dude is "admin" ! So i thought, hm i have to talk to him, this cant go under the carpet... 3 days I'm waiting in a game with name - Calling out Dwarftough ! No result but, i was recommended not to waste my time with him and i quote "He is nobody! You better look for Gallifax "! So i load a game "Part2 - Calling Gallifax" ! Well, people message me - "Bro u cant find him here, go to forums" :)
So i find the forum and did my message to him, (well silly me somehow have sent this message to all moderators) :)
(Sorry again about that), First respond was by Vasili (Very kind and nice gentlemen), but he gave me a warning, -"im not the person you need, but i will take a look, what is this about and your case". He told me get in discord, we will sort a group with dwarftough and 3 of us will talk and will see"...
Sure I have done that, 24h waiting and i get a msg from Vasili - "I spoke to dwarftough, he showed me screenshots where u reported games after u left at turn 1" ! That is possible because if enemy team leave, i count it as a win ! If Nadal tells to Djokovic, "it hurts my leg, im going home" - does Djokovic takes the cup and the money or he also leave and look for another tournament ! I don't know... to me if my opponent quit - win is mine"!
(My logic is iron, but cant say about the Foundation thing and its ranking forming)

The thing is... i was very disappointed , that dwarfthough dodged me again...
We can talk about this... How unclear is who, what, how... Many times i win a game and opponent says "GG" (good game = you won) to me it is a win and i leave the game and go to next one ! But how do i know that someone of the opponents, maybe stays in the game and defeats AI and take the win !
(all I'm saying is this bot can't run in this conditions ! Clear the rules, force the people to play to the end, and u do the reports, people don't have to report their wins !) Anyway not my concern anymore...

Dear, friends ! There is wars , natural disasters and so much pain in this world, there is people with real problems, I find all this above, waste of time and non essential !

Therefore I am leaving, and save my hassle...

This message is to see and my point of view... i don't want anything from anyone !
When Vasili (mod) did ask me, what do you want !
I did not say i want UNBAN ! i said i want to clear my name and an official apology from dwarftough ! Here in the forum !
For a moment i thought, to save all that drama, maybe just ask him to delete all my statistics so i start from zero and I know I will end up first, if I wan it !
At this stage I don't want anything from 5gzp - its 100% dwarftough fault !
I want to see screenshots with me using hacks, cheats or anything ! I saw nothing !
Admins better check out garad4 и 5dpz и SkyEnd accounts ! if they have logs from the same IP ... I the "cheater" has nothing more to say...
This can go on and on... wasting my keyboard...

Lets end this with something nice and lovely :)
No more negativity ! No more drama :)

I had really nice times in here, all these years so much fun :) Don't be sad, and cry for me :) I know you will do well, without me :)
Pay attention to the positive side of the life, be brave and strong, happy and healthy !

Please forgive me, if I have said or done something wrong...
(Nobody is perfect - but I'm so close lol)
I forgive to all my Wesnoth foes :) My heart is full of love, no place for hate :)

God bless you all, and be a better person every new day in ur lives !

I would like to do some honourable mentions to people, with whom i had so much fun :)

Special thanks to:
Abstract, Undertaker, Ellyk, ShadowVeil, Zen-Cat, Crowen, Player01 (master zen), Danniel_BR, Sergeant, Misko (my favorite student, he kicks my booty all over the map) :) And so so many more, not fair i cant recall all the names... but if u had fun with me, your name belongs here in my friendlist :)

Special thanks to LunaticPrincess he* comforted me in my last days here, with full trust and honesty, while people were spreading rumours...
* :)

Jah Bless, Rastafari, One Love !
Happiness is the meaning of life !

Fyodor Dostoevsky

P.S. Music greeting to all of you...
Phantom Of The Wesnoth is here.... Inside my mind...

Muah, Bye :)

Screen Shot IsarFrustration Statistics
Screen Shot IsarFrustration Statistics
FLORIS HIM SELF ! And some dude behind lol
FLORIS HIM SELF ! And some dude behind lol
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Re: Drama Drama :)

Post by Krospergen »

I don't think they care a tiny bit, dude. Time to let this game perish. The whole bots thing was a horrible mistake.

You were an awful isar player, however.

Rust in peace, greta! : )

Yours truly
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Re: Drama Drama :)

Post by drajen »

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Judgment: Drama Drama :)

Post by orcheido »

Floris Saga
2022 First Month:
2022 Second Month:
I want to see screenshots with me using hacks, cheats or anything ! I saw nothing !
I am here to check you out & witness.

Give me time...

Meanwhile i share 6 of my favorite games with you.
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Re: Drama Drama :)

Post by Vilebeggar »

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Re: Drama Drama :)

Post by 5dPZ »


This is 5dPZ. The real 5dPZ. I am not "garad4" (claimed by you), I am not "draghen" (claimed by Vilebeggar) and I am not Krospergen (he taunted you above with my name, but that is not me, Krospergen and I played lots of rated Isars together, back in 1.14, I took #1 spot from him 2 weeks before the start of official 1.16 server, that's another story).

My 5dPZ was created by in 2006, and this is the only account I used, no alts. You can see it here memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=103911 and see my past posts.

First, most of what you posted are true. The conversation you quoted between you and me are mostly true, too. However, that does not justify the actions you did which you also admitted in your post - you reported all the unreported games as your wins, which is something that should not have been done.

Those unreported game can be other players' wins, they can be abandoned games due to afk hosts etc.

Also, playing tens, if not hundred of rated Isar games with you, I know (and Krospergen also knows), your skill level is definitely not top bar (sorry for saying this); maybe in the mid 1600s by my rough and kind estimate (personal opinion, but I played more than 400 rated Isar games, rated #1 in 1.14 AND 1.16 server, I can tell people's skill level by seeing enough how people play, I certainly saw enough of your play by playing tens, if not hundred of games with you).

When I saw you got 1800+ rating by binch-reporting all unfinished games, i started our conversation you quoted in your post. However, you said something along the line
"I am the best player"...and "I can beat you anytime I want", and "yeah, I did report all unfinished games, come and get me"...I am quoting you here in a polite way, what you said was much worse.

That is when I reported you to dwarftough. I did not ask for your ban though, I thought a rating roll back, or rating check, void those false wins you reported should be sufficient.

Anyway, I am sorry for what happened. It is nice to see your picture and your lovely dog. I regret our "drama" resulted you quitting the game (hopefully temporally). I hope to see you back to Wesnoth, a game that you loved and played for almost 20 years (same for me). I would like to play with you again (hope you are my enemy team though, for easy rating points =D, you know how in 80% of your games, your leader is dead by turn 7).

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Re: Drama Drama :)

Post by Krogen »

5dPZ wrote: March 17th, 2022, 11:23 pm Hi FLORIS.

This is 5dPZ. The real 5dPZ. I am not "garad4" (claimed by you), I am not "draghen" (claimed by Vilebeggar) and I am not Krospergen (he taunted you above with my name, but that is not me, Krospergen and I played lots of rated Isars together, back in 1.14, I took #1 spot from him 2 weeks before the start of official 1.16 server, that's another story).

My 5dPZ was created by in 2006, and this is the only account I used, no alts. You can see it here memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=103911 and see my past posts.

First, most of what you posted are true. The conversation you quoted between you and me are mostly true, too. However, that does not justify the actions you did which you also admitted in your post - you reported all the unreported games as your wins, which is something that should not have been done.

Those unreported game can be other players' wins, they can be abandoned games due to afk hosts etc.

Also, playing tens, if not hundred of rated Isar games with you, I know (and Krospergen also knows), your skill level is definitely not top bar (sorry for saying this); maybe in the mid 1600s by my rough and kind estimate (personal opinion, but I played more than 400 rated Isar games, rated #1 in 1.14 AND 1.16 server, I can tell people's skill level by seeing enough how people play, I certainly saw enough of your play by playing tens, if not hundred of games with you).

When I saw you got 1800+ rating by binch-reporting all unfinished games, i started our conversation you quoted in your post. However, you said something along the line
"I am the best player"...and "I can beat you anytime I want", and "yeah, I did report all unfinished games, come and get me"...I am quoting you here in a polite way, what you said was much worse.

That is when I reported you to dwarftough. I did not ask for your ban though, I thought a rating roll back, or rating check, void those false wins you reported should be sufficient.

Anyway, I am sorry for what happened. It is nice to see your picture and your lovely dog. I regret our "drama" resulted you quitting the game (hopefully temporally). I hope to see you back to Wesnoth, a game that you loved and played for almost 20 years (same for me). I would like to play with you again (hope you are my enemy team though, for easy rating points =D, you know how in 80% of your games, your leader is dead by turn 7).

I am not an Isar player, and i certainly dont care much about rated Isar, (even though draghen's Krospergen account was named in my honor :D ), this is all damn-well said. I can only applaud this.
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Re: Drama Drama :)

Post by Abstract »

Come back Floris!
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Re: Drama Drama :)

Post by MikiTheBerserkr »

Floris wrote: February 15th, 2022, 11:33 pm 5dzp told me - "u will get ban now", and boom again i got ban :) but few min before that some guy Dwarftough, message me: -"Are you cheating?"
My answer was - "LoL" - what else would i answer (to unknown person), and my first thought was that this is also 5d (at some point paranoia starts to grow) turned out this dude is "admin" ! So i thought, hm i have to talk to him, this cant go under the carpet... 3 days I'm waiting in a game with name - Calling out Dwarftough ! No result but, i was recommended not to waste my time with him

He told me get in discord, we will sort a group with dwarftough and 3 of us will talk and will see"...
Sure I have done that, 24h waiting and i get a msg from Vasili - "I spoke to dwarftough, he showed me screenshots where u reported games after u left at turn 1" !

The thing is... i was very disappointed , that dwarfthough dodged me again...
I am sorry he caused trouble to you.
It's sad that it's usually this kind of people in charge...
Recently on discord he has muted me, because I had a different opinion than him on letting players pick their race and leader... After I called him out on his pathetic behaviour on DMs he has permanently banned me from discord :lol:
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Re: Drama Drama :)

Post by egallager »

MikiTheBerserkr wrote: December 9th, 2023, 9:33 am I am sorry he caused trouble to you.
It's sad that it's usually this kind of people in charge...
Recently on discord he has muted me, because I had a different opinion than him on letting players pick their race and leader... After I called him out on his pathetic behaviour on DMs he has permanently banned me from discord :lol:
You were banned from Discord for using slurs, harassing people, and breaking rules against political discussion.
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Re: Drama Drama :)

Post by Lord-Knightmare »

egallager wrote: December 9th, 2023, 3:55 pm You were banned from Discord for using slurs, harassing people, and breaking rules against political discussion.
He meant the Wesnoth Afterlife Discord. There are 7-8 Wesnoth community discord servers.
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Re: Drama Drama :)

Post by MikiTheBerserkr »

egallager wrote: December 9th, 2023, 3:55 pm You were banned from Discord for using slurs, harassing people, and breaking rules against political discussion.
First of all, this is just a bunch of lies, apart from political discussions, but it's definitely not a reasonable reason to instantly permban, without any mutes or tempbans (I assume both bans are permanent?).

Second - wrong server. When I wrote that post I wasn't even banned yet on the server you are talking about...
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Re: Drama Drama :)

Post by shevegen »

That was probably one of the most confusing intros I have ever read.

Nonetheless welcome.

In regards to discord: I am of the ancient generation now, having used
IRC (mIRC) in the 1990s. It was great back then, but it also took away
a lot of time - time which I no longer have. IMO using just the webforum
allows for a much slower pace of discussion(s), which I actually like.

The impatience of youth ... :P

(What I have, however had, noticed is a tendency to ban people one
disagrees with. I've noticed this evidently on reddit in the last years
when the policy was changed, but also on other webforums such as
the beamdog forum where a few individuals participate in doxxing.
Very strange to see that. On wesnoth I haven't had any issues personally
in over ~20 years in this regard. People need to relax more in general
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Re: Drama Drama :)

Post by MikiTheBerserkr »

shevegen wrote: February 23rd, 2024, 10:23 pm(What I have, however had, noticed is a tendency to ban people one
disagrees with. I've noticed this evidently on reddit in the last years
when the policy was changed, but also on other webforums such as
the beamdog forum where a few individuals participate in doxxing.
Very strange to see that. On wesnoth I haven't had any issues personally
in over ~20 years in this regard. People need to relax more in general
Yeah, reddit is just ridiculous. You can get banned there for anything. Slightly negative comment? Ban. Not being woke? Ban. Sharing your opinion? Ban. Stating facts? Ban.
On top of that every user who disagrees with you blocks you, and a good amount of discussions has one or multiple people deleting their comments afterwards...

Wesnoth community has its problems too, like dwarftough who permanently bans people for saying we should be able to pick faction in afterlife.
I recently got banned here - on forums - too, for "ching chang chong". And the ban carried over to the game too, so good job to moderation for making the game even more dead!
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Re: Drama Drama :)

Post by Pentarctagon »

Unsurprisingly, an ethnic slur will get you banned.
99 little bugs in the code, 99 little bugs
take one down, patch it around
-2,147,483,648 little bugs in the code
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