The Deceiver's Gambit - New Mainline Candidate!

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Re: The Deceiver's Gambit - New Mainline Candidate!

Post by jamberine »

I enjoyed the campaign, the spellcasting was fun.

Bug report:
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Re: The Deceiver's Gambit - New Mainline Candidate!

Post by Dalas120 »

Uh oh, will fix that bug, thanks for reporting
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Re: The Deceiver's Gambit - New Mainline Candidate!

Post by holypaladin »

I've played whole campaining and got a bit confused to see Deoran there (as great-grandson of Haldiel he didn't even born this time, much less being ambassodor of elves) and some contradictions to Delfador Memoiris and Heir to the Throne.
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Re: The Deceiver's Gambit - New Mainline Candidate!

Post by holypaladin »

On the other hand since some time I thought it would be good to give changes to Delfador Memoiris but I rather thought about changes then making new campaing. My proposition is to expand heroes from Delfador Memoiris i Heir to the Throne (Sir Kalyan, Lionel, Delfador, Parandra, Chantal, Kalenz, Sagus, Asheviere, Arand, Garard, Elred, Relgorn). Got few ideas for this, for example Sagus was jelaous advisor and sent assasins on Leollyn, then tried the same with Delfador but he survived. Lionel would be best friend of Sir Kalyan, when he get lost Sir Kalyan is sure Asheviere may had something to do with this and support Delfador's disobedience, he would be also one of not many who survived battle with Elred's armies and adopted Haldiel as his son. Have also few other ideas but not sure if someone would take interest on this. As for Deceiver's Gambit I got sad to see Garard II as villain (and partly Delfador as well) but I apperiance expanding Arand's character, I saw him as suspicious towards Asheviere and it's proven in campaining.
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Re: The Deceiver's Gambit - New Mainline Candidate!

Post by holypaladin »

SexyPringles wrote: April 1st, 2024, 7:00 pm Gameplay wise very good campaign and rework compared to the Delfador's Memoirs. I can actually use magic this time :lol: .

Plot was mostly good in my opinion but there were few things here and there that didn't sit right with me.
Deleting Land of Death is a good change (giving too much mess to campaining and whole mainline plot), deleting Staff of An-Urukhar as well (why so powerful mage as Delfador would can be as strong as normal great mage with artefact?). I apperiance deleting four oracles as well. Expanding Methor's role is what I searched for (but maybe not like this), Garard indeed should be portayed better, rather like victim of his wife than tyrant and drunkard.
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Re: The Deceiver's Gambit - New Mainline Candidate!

Post by holypaladin »

I was also suprised about last scenario where Delfador fight with Elred, oryginal story wasn't showing Elred as someone using magical powers, just skilled warrior. And would prefer to remain like this....
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Re: The Deceiver's Gambit - New Mainline Candidate!

Post by Gweddeoran »

This is definitely an interesting campaign, and a 13-scenario length makes each scenario more meaningful. Here is my feedback based on my playthrough on the hardest difficulty up till Scenario 6.
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Re: The Deceiver's Gambit - New Mainline Candidate!

Post by Dalas120 »

Hey, thanks for the feedback! I'm glad you're so far liking it overall.
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Re: The Deceiver's Gambit - New Mainline Candidate!

Post by Dalas120 »

New patch! Total current patch notes:

Assorted bugfixes:
S01: fixed an issue where fleeing goblins could be blocked
S06: fixed some confusing dialogue that happens if the player kills the saurian leaders quickly
S13: fixed an issue where the final boss could be blocked, breaking the fight

Difficulty tweaks: Easy/Normal now have more enemies, but also more starting gold.
S10x: Garard's dialogue is less drunken.
Assorted bugfixes. Most notably:
- fixed S09 fog vanishing after recalling a unit
- fixed S09 mini-adventure not adjusting properly on lower difficulties

Added a new mini-adventure leading up to Scenario 9! Also includes a number of bugfixes.

released the campaign!
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Re: The Deceiver's Gambit - New Mainline Candidate!

Post by egallager »

Haven't tried it yet, but my initial reaction is just that I don't really like the new name of "The Deceiver's Gambit" as much... "Delfador's Memoirs" had a clear hook: if you'd played HttT previously (which would make sense, as it was the first campaign), then you might be thinking to yourself, "Hm, I liked that Delfador guy, I wonder what his backstory was," in which case the title "Delfador's Memoirs" makes it clear that it's the obvious follow-up, but the title "The Deceiver's Gambit" doesn't appear to have any obvious connections to any other existing mainline content. I don't think the moniker "The Deceiver" is used anywhere else in mainline, leading me to fall back to existing literature/mythology/religion, which has me thinking, "OK, so Satan shows up in this? That's weird," which I guess kinda works as its own sort of hook to draw me in, but I feel like it's not actually intended to be interpreted that way, though... I guess this is something the description could address...
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Re: The Deceiver's Gambit - New Mainline Candidate!

Post by Gweddeoran »

I actually don't have a replay with the bug in 'Sylvan Seer', since every time I noticed the bug, I reloaded my turn to prevent the loss of XP :( .
For the enemy leaders, I actually save-reloaded a bit to get them both dead, I've attached the replay.
TDG-Ring of Swords replay 20240406-175750.gz
(61.69 KiB) Downloaded 19 times
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Re: The Deceiver's Gambit - New Mainline Candidate!

Post by Gweddeoran »

Just finished the campaign. I think it was quite good, although as someone mentioned earlier, the role of the elves was quite diminished owing to the shorter length. I'm curious to see if the TSG remake/rewrite will remedy this, although I guess it is also fine as is. I do feel like some of the dialogue was a bit too informal, especially from Eldred, especially compared to what we normally expect from games with a medieval theme. Perhaps it is possible to maintain his personality but with a more subdued/formal tone.
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Re: The Deceiver's Gambit - New Mainline Candidate!

Post by Vendrick »

I played through a few updates ago (on default difficulty which has since switched to Easy) so my gameplay feedback's already stale. I do think it's significantly better than Delfador's Memoirs and the spell system is very cool.

There's a little bit of tendency to purposefully have objectives that aren't stock kill the enemy leader, which I think mistakes the symptom for the cause. Looking at mainline, in TRoW there's a tedious scenario where the player recieves an early finish bonus equal to the number of turns that passed before a unit dies. It's a mechanical modifcation to the standard gameplay but far less interesting to play compared to an unusual setup with a stock objective like the old DM scenario where the player recruits ghosts and ghouls against bats, thugs and dark adepts.

I'm a bit dubious about the boss fight in the final scenario. There are so few units involved that RNG has an outsized influence and there's not much space for unit-level tactics.

The loyal Thief Lynan seems to have a significant role in Delfador's arc, so it seems odd that Lynan isn't essential. Does she just get replaced by a random veteran?

A couple of other minor notes:
1) With the replacement of Delfador's Memoirs, the only remaining mainline campaigns where the player uses Elves are in HttT, TSG, LoW and NR (maybe, but no one will ever play long enough to find out). HttT and TSG are mixed roster campaigns for beginners, while LoW is outright dreadful.

2) The revised EI uses story elements from DM, most obviously Illiah-Malal's amulet but Ulrek also gets name-dropped. It seems like an odd decision to include these references and then delete their source?

I wouldn't write much about a Wesnoth campaign's story, but the narrative is given particular emphasis here and the moment-to-moment writing is high quality.

Immediately after his appearance, Deoran's death flags go off the charts; it feels borderline farcial.
(A dismounted Deoran sprite would be nice, so he isn't riding around indoors and doesn't have to narrate his horse's injury in an otherwise quite strong death scene).

Metheor, Delfador's mentor, returning to tell Delfador what to do (and what the themes are) is a weak resolution to Deflador's arc, particularly in the context of Delfador's deference to authority (the king) having lead him to this point.

I don't think the King Garard - Asheviere - Eldred - material works well.

Garard is so awful that it implodes the whole story.
I think expecting Wesnoth's audience to be invested in the sanctity of the monarchy is a mistake. Within the story, Garard is a warmonger and a wife-beater. Even Macbeth sets boundaries on the behaviour of the legitimate king. The reaction of most people to King Garard is going to be that he isn't fit to live, let alone govern.
The introduced complexity - that the king's war is an excuse to indulge his greed and naked bloodlust - is never seriously examined by the story. But there's no space for that and the character's actions and complicity can't withstand that kind of scrutiny. Metheor recieves a letter from Delfador where Delfador casually writes about incinerating the Saurian juveniles and/or invalids and hangs himself? Delfador gets Havana Syndrome?
When the plot kicks into gear and Garard is couped, why is the player meant to care? The horses have already eaten each other in the stables. The only real choice between King Garard and Queen Asheviere is which one gets the guillotine first. Garard is so evil that it damns every loyalist character and renders the stakes of evil seizing the throne moot.

I think campaigns should probably be able to stand alone narratively, even if tie in elements are present. Mainline campaigns love to reference each other, but they do attempt to be standalone narratives. Dead Water doesn't have an incredible story, but Eastern Invasion isn't required reading. Lionel's and Kestrel's fates in HttT and Liberty is a narrative element that works. The writing conveys that Lionel's departure is doomed folly, the context in HttT is not required to understand the moment.
Conversely, Asheviere is a major player that we get very little insight into (in part of a product of her as a background player, keeping her betrayal "secret" and her realtionship with Garard). If Asheviere is in charge, what does Wesnoth look like? What even are Asheviere's motivations outside of revenge? We learn about as much about Asheviere here as we do in HttT. Asheviere and Eldred's evil is mostly informed by narrative conventions pre-coup (his name is Eldred).
(I don't understand why Asheviere's betrayal is treated as a twist. It's literally in the blurb for an earlier campaign that a lot of the playerbase is familiar with. Ignoring that, within the story, the only character that can even be plotting against Garard is Asheviere.)

I understand the intention behind Eldred's writing in the final scenario - he is malformed and childlike - but the register seems off. The scenario also assumes some sympathy for Eldred that proably isn't there; he bretrayed and murdered Deoran and opens planning to do the same thing to Delfador.
Starting to establish Eldred's relationship with Asheviere in the last few turns of the final scenario is just too late. Delfador assumes that Asheviere will surrender to save Eldred but we literally don't know how she would have responded (related to Asheviere's lack of characterisation: is Eldred her son and a fellow survivor or merely a useful tool?).

The cutscene where Garard beats Eldred and Asheviere while drunk: I don't think it works tonally in the context of the game. The player is instructed to treat this seriously; it is straightforward domestic violence. Garard attacks his wife with 2 x 1 impact damage. Personally, I don't think the abstraction of Wesnoth's combat can survive also being the medium of domestic violence.
The Asheviere material just feels bad in general. Whenever she appears on-screen, she is subject to Garard's abuse and we get so little insight into her that it feels like the story just doesn't care that much. (Fellas, is it misogyny to hate your wife if she's secretly evil?)
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Re: The Deceiver's Gambit - New Mainline Candidate!

Post by holypaladin »

Vendrick wrote: May 1st, 2024, 4:41 pm I don't think the King Garard - Asheviere - Eldred - material works well.

Garard is so awful that it implodes the whole story.
I think expecting Wesnoth's audience to be invested in the sanctity of the monarchy is a mistake. Within the story, Garard is a warmonger and a wife-beater. Even Macbeth sets boundaries on the behaviour of the legitimate king. The reaction of most people to King Garard is going to be that he isn't fit to live, let alone govern.
The introduced complexity - that the king's war is an excuse to indulge his greed and naked bloodlust - is never seriously examined by the story. But there's no space for that and the character's actions and complicity can't withstand that kind of scrutiny. Metheor recieves a letter from Delfador where Delfador casually writes about incinerating the Saurian juveniles and/or invalids and hangs himself? Delfador gets Havana Syndrome?
When the plot kicks into gear and Garard is couped, why is the player meant to care? The horses have already eaten each other in the stables. The only real choice between King Garard and Queen Asheviere is which one gets the guillotine first. Garard is so evil that it damns every loyalist character and renders the stakes of evil seizing the throne moot.

I think campaigns should probably be able to stand alone narratively, even if tie in elements are present. Mainline campaigns love to reference each other, but they do attempt to be standalone narratives. Dead Water doesn't have an incredible story, but Eastern Invasion isn't required reading. Lionel's and Kestrel's fates in HttT and Liberty is a narrative element that works. The writing conveys that Lionel's departure is doomed folly, the context in HttT is not required to understand the moment.
Conversely, Asheviere is a major player that we get very little insight into (in part of a product of her as a background player, keeping her betrayal "secret" and her realtionship with Garard). If Asheviere is in charge, what does Wesnoth look like? What even are Asheviere's motivations outside of revenge? We learn about as much about Asheviere here as we do in HttT. Asheviere and Eldred's evil is mostly informed by narrative conventions pre-coup (his name is Eldred).
(I don't understand why Asheviere's betrayal is treated as a twist. It's literally in the blurb for an earlier campaign that a lot of the playerbase is familiar with. Ignoring that, within the story, the only character that can even be plotting against Garard is Asheviere.)

I understand the intention behind Eldred's writing in the final scenario - he is malformed and childlike - but the register seems off. The scenario also assumes some sympathy for Eldred that proably isn't there; he bretrayed and murdered Deoran and opens planning to do the same thing to Delfador.
Starting to establish Eldred's relationship with Asheviere in the last few turns of the final scenario is just too late. Delfador assumes that Asheviere will surrender to save Eldred but we literally don't know how she would have responded (related to Asheviere's lack of characterisation: is Eldred her son and a fellow survivor or merely a useful tool?).

The cutscene where Garard beats Eldred and Asheviere while drunk: I don't think it works tonally in the context of the game. The player is instructed to treat this seriously; it is straightforward domestic violence. Garard attacks his wife with 2 x 1 impact damage. Personally, I don't think the abstraction of Wesnoth's combat can survive also being the medium of domestic violence.
The Asheviere material just feels bad in general. Whenever she appears on-screen, she is subject to Garard's abuse and we get so little insight into her that it feels like the story just doesn't care that much. (Fellas, is it misogyny to hate your wife if she's secretly evil?)
I agree with statement that The Deceivers Gambit made a villain from heroes (Garard, Delfador, somehow Sir Kalyan and few others) and whitewashed authentic villains like Asheviere. That was too much for me, especially the final scenarios.
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Re: The Deceiver's Gambit - New Mainline Candidate!

Post by Dalas120 »

I certainly don't want Delfador or Kaylan to feel like a villian, and I was aiming for closer to "flawed" for Garard, not "idiot". Will be working on some dialogue revisions to try and improve things; thanks for the feedback!
2) The revised EI uses story elements from DM, most obviously Illiah-Malal's amulet but Ulrek also gets name-dropped. It seems like an odd decision to include these references and then delete their source?
Not my decision, unfortunately.
The loyal Thief Lynan seems to have a significant role in Delfador's arc, so it seems odd that Lynan isn't essential. Does she just get replaced by a random veteran?
Yeah, random veteran if she dies.
I think expecting Wesnoth's audience to be invested in the sanctity of the monarchy is a mistake. Within the story, Garard is a warmonger and a wife-beater. Even Macbeth sets boundaries on the behaviour of the legitimate king. The reaction of most people to King Garard is going to be that he isn't fit to live, let alone govern. The introduced complexity - that the king's war is an excuse to indulge his greed and naked bloodlust - is never seriously examined by the story.
I was hoping that the drunk scene would help to "humanize" Garard a bit by showing the motivations for his actions, but I agree that he's pretty much a parody at the moment. I'll do my best to tone things down in future patches. My intention and goal is to make Garard a bad king - but still a KING.
The cutscene where Garard beats Eldred and Asheviere while drunk: I don't think it works tonally in the context of the game. The player is instructed to treat this seriously; it is straightforward domestic violence.
I'll tone this down. This is the backstory for Garard/Asheviere I was told going into the campaign, but there's been enough pushback at this point that I suspect there might be some wiggle room to change this in the future.

Edit: or it's possible we miscommunicated regarding the requested personality for Garard/Asheviere? I'm not sure exactly, but moving forward everybody agrees we want to make Garard more kingly.
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