Drakes on small 1v1 maps

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Drakes on small 1v1 maps

Post by Plq »

Hello fellow strategians,

recently me, my wife and few friends started to play this wonderful game again to relax from everyday's routine and we really enjoy it.

I got a question regarding topic in subject. It seems impossible to win as drake on small maps against loys, rebels, northerners and even dunefolk. Thing is we usually don't play with random factions so first recruiting is kind of specific every time.
On big maps like Fallenstar Lake or bigger 2v2 maps I always win with drakes - they are just unstoppable once they get their warmachine going but it seems to me that it takes drakes too long to get stuff going so other factions can just attack before they are ready to strike.
On small maps against opponent that will strike early I usually get one glider, few fighters and perhaps an augur. One clasher sometimes. If I recruit mostly drakes I have too few units and enemy swarms me with rovers/spearmen/grunts and wins early abusing his quantity advantage. If I recruit too many saurians to withstand first attack it hurts me in long turn as suarians are not first line units and I still lose.
So if I have more drakes I have too few units and enemy can easily create opportunite where he outnumbers me and kills one of my units... If I have too many saurians then I lose head to head. If I retreat I lose my villages and can't get them back without losses when enemy has more units ready to retaliate. And the only unit that can reliably take villages is fragile augur.
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Re: Drakes on small 1v1 maps

Post by igorbat99 »

Hi Plq! Which maps are small from your side of view? It feels like at least Loys and Rebels, also current dunefolk would have very big problems vs prepicked Drake when they prepicked.

Loys often can't stop lizard rush with augurs + skirmishers, who will fall back at daytime or be swapped by mass clashers. Often the night won't finished, you would win faster than that. Need to attack with hero, you can try to download some ladder replays where i won RiceMuncher with 'LIZARD RUSH' in comment :D https://wesnoth.gamingladder.info/gameh ... ingand=AND

When you fight vs Rebels/Dunefolk you need mass clashers/soldiers with 1-2 burners, and you also need to fall back on first night if you get that you will lose village + unit or take too many damage. After first night you will dominate this weak slim bodys with your unstoppable army.
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Re: Drakes on small 1v1 maps

Post by s1m0n »

Agree. On smaller maps, less Drakes, more Saurians. They are good for a first push against most melee fighters, and have healers. Pay attention to the time: Saurians are weak at day, but really powerful at night, Drakes the other way round. Then come the Clashers, because hp and damage, and after that you can do everything you want.
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Re: Drakes on small 1v1 maps

Post by Yomar »

I saw Drakes win often non small maps, they have some bnenefits compared to other factions, like many of them can fly, they also have the advantage to be dangerous at day AND night.

By Plq:
And the only unit that can reliably take villages is fragile augur.
Clasher have a lot of Hp to hold towns, anyway Saurian Skirmishers is for sure better in holding villages than Augurs, melee and ranged retaliation, same def but more Hp and its even a bit cheaper.
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Re: Drakes on small 1v1 maps

Post by Plq »

Thank for imput, guess I got the basic idea right and it's just my execution that lacked finesse so it got me worried there's something I dont see.

Thanks for replays, I will definitely check those.

Maybe we will see one day on opposite sides of battlefield 🙂
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