Last levels way to easy.

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Last levels way to easy.

Post by Kamahawk »

"A Choice Must Be Made" and "Swamp of Dread" were far to easy.

I beat "A Choice Must Be Made" with only recalling 1 unit, a great mage, then I charged the undead base head on with Li'sar + scepter and used delfador and Kalenz for support and warped in the Great mage to help Li'sar kill the undead leader in 1 turn. I ended the level with over 900 gold (I had started with 100(summoned to many dwarfs for "The scepter of fire")).

For "Swamp of Dread" I just used my heros to burn the undead to a crisp while leveling mages when I got the chance, I also brought out the Mermen with the tridents and zaped the crud out of anything the moved near the swamp. To kill the leaders I just had a grypon fly to the vilage nearest the leader and teleported my Great mage out and burnt them down to red and then finished them off the next turn, I won in 21/40 turns and ended the playable levels with over 1700 gold.
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Post by Dave »

Question: what difficulty level were you playing on?
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Post by Kamahawk »

I was playing easy, but these levels are still ridiculusly easy, The opponents don't even use 2nd level units. Kalenz can kill just about anthing with his magic and he has the worst flame attack. Beating these levels required no skill at all, after the cave levels these are a walk in the park.
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Post by Dave »

Kamahawk wrote:I was playing easy, but these levels are still ridiculusly easy, The opponents don't even use 2nd level units. Kalenz can kill just about anthing with his magic and he has the worst flame attack. Beating these levels required no skill at all, after the cave levels these are a walk in the park.
We will have to review the difficulty of these scenarios...

Of course they are meant to be a little easier than the preceeding scenarios, to give the player a little break after such difficulty. But, we will look into making them more challenging.

Of course, have you tried the option of attempting to go north instead of south?

“At Gambling, the deadly sin is to mistake bad play for bad luck.” -- Ian Fleming
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Post by Kamahawk »

Dave wrote:Of course, have you tried the option of attempting to go north instead of south?, but still, the southern route is WAY to easy, if I realy wanted to I could win without recalling/recruitng a single unit. I'll try the northern path when I get the chance, but either increase the dificult of those levels or make a HUGE (some thing that should burn up a good 1000+ gold) battle after them.

And the map for A choice must be made shoul/could have the following changes, river acces to the catsle and a river off branch into the marsh and something to make the distance between the undead castle and Konrads longer/harder to pass.
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Post by jzaun »

OK so here we go again... everyone plays easy and everyone thinks its either 1) to hard or 2) to easy. For those that think its to hard, where exactly and what would you do to make it easier? For those that thinks its to easy, play on Hero (medium). If medium is still to easy then let us know where it should be harder and we will make it harder. If medium is still WAY to easy play the hard level and is you can beat any scenario before playing 10 times let us know and we'll make it harder.

The EASY level should be just about as easy as it can be. I should be able to walk thewe everything. EASY is ment to be ***E*A*S*Y*** its not ment to be Medium or Hard! if anyone esle says easy it not hard enough I'll screem!

P.S. sorry just a little fusterated, we have difficulty levels for a reason after all.
-- Justin Zaun (jzaun)
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Post by quartex »

I agree, that making easy difficulty harder on certain levels is dangerous, but if there is one route in a map that is significantly easier than the other, than it should be fixed, unless it is intentional for it to be so.

The problem with the last levels is that they make be very eays or very hard, depending on what kind of units you have, that is, on how you have developed your army in the preceding twenty something levels. So what is easy for one person could be almost impossible for another. Still if you really can beat the level with only one unit, it seems a bit much.
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Post by Kamahawk »

Actualy the dificulty levels are perfect in my oppinion :) ( :P ) the problem is the levels not the dificuly setting. No matter what your oppinion on how difficult the game should be "A choice must be made is too easy, on easy setting its posible to win without recruitng or recalling units (allthought if thats you definition of easy I think you should just use cheat codes).

BTW jzaun have you even played these levels? :?:
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Post by jzaun »

Kamahawk wrote:Actualy the dificulty levels are perfect in my oppinion :) ( :P ) the problem is the levels not the dificuly setting. No matter what your oppinion on how difficult the game should be "A choice must be made is too easy, on easy setting its posible to win without recruitng or recalling units (allthought if thats you definition of easy I think you should just use cheat codes).
Sorry, yah thats to easy, bu you should be able to beet the level without have level 2 units on Easy (IMHO)
well, yah, I made this very level. On the other hand I'm a very very bad player... I leave it up to others to make them harder than I send them so they fit right :-)

Again Sorry.
-- Justin Zaun (jzaun)
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Post by miyo »

Please remember that someone can arrive to 'A Choice Must Be Made' whodoes _not_ have lot of gold or advanced units. You have done smart decisions and had good tactis while playing thru previous scenarios which makes your playing easier - this does not mean everyone will do so.

Scenarios are supposed to vary in difficulty.

Though I have to agree with Jzaun, please play with Hero, then Champion. Then all previous levels are harder so you might or might not have same gold and unit structure.

- Miyo
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Post by telex4 »

I think the difficulty level was just about right. They follow on from some tough levels, and will give the player a good breathing space before tackling what I assume will be the last few levels. It would be interesting though to, on 'A choice must be made', make the top route slightly easier and the bottom route slightly harder, since the chocie at the moment is very obvious.
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Post by methinks »

Calm down :)
There is nothing better than proper discussion that can bring us to constructive conclusion. If I get it good, Kamhawk thinks that easy mode is not that easy in caves and other scenarios while ridiculously easy on the last two. So playing on medium may be a problem in those harder scenarios.
Jzaun thinks, that playing on easy should be easy, which is kinda obvious and hard to disagree with. I also think that easy should be even easier in some scenarios. I mean I have played this game and know that some scenarios where challenging on easy, so for newcomers they may be problem.

As I see this is that all of you have a point. I have not finished BfW yet :oops: as every now and then new version arrives and I try to playtest it, so I start from the beginning. But if useers can provide some feedback, it would be most useful. There is need for easy mode to be really easy, so that "take a deep breath" scenarios would ba a walk in the park, and "slaughter" scenarios would be challenging enough to make player loose some units, but not all or half of them, so that he/she would be able to go on. Now, for experienced players mode medium is most appropriate. You know the gam,e you know the strategies, which is needed, unlike in easy mode.

I encourage everyone to playtest on different difficulties and to discuss about it. Keep it in mind though, that easy mode shall be really easy from point of view of someone who sees this game for a first time. For most of you it may/shall be a bit to little challenging I think.

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Post by Dave »

Firstly, the cave scenarios will be made easier on easy. They are currently too difficult for easy level.

The current last scenarios may be made a little more challenging on easy. They are currently substantially harder on normal (the undead get wraiths and chocobones).

“At Gambling, the deadly sin is to mistake bad play for bad luck.” -- Ian Fleming
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Post by Kamahawk »

miyo wrote:Please remember that someone can arrive to 'A Choice Must Be Made' whodoes _not_ have lot of gold or advanced units. You have done smart decisions and had good tactis while playing thru previous scenarios which makes your playing easier - this does not mean everyone will do so.
:oops: Actualy I screwed up "The Scepter of fire big time, I spent all my gold on dwarfs at one point cause it looked likw I would go into the negative moeny before the level was over, but then I found the scepter 3 turns later :oops: . And I was a bit ticked off because there was no reward for finishing early...
Dave wrote:Firstly, the cave scenarios will be made easier on easy. They are currently too difficult for easy level.
Aww, I realy enjoyed those levels, they took a few tries, but when I figured out how you had to play them it wasn't that hard and was realy fun. Though, I realize that they cloud be fairly hard for other players, I think I'm gonna start playing the game over on medium.
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Post by Dave »

Kamahawk wrote: Aww, I realy enjoyed those levels, they took a few tries, but when I figured out how you had to play them it wasn't that hard and was realy fun. Though, I realize that they cloud be fairly hard for other players, I think I'm gonna start playing the game over on medium.
Good plan :)

While I think your comments do have validity, Kamahawk, I think that most of all what you have shown is that you're playing a level for which your skill level has exceeded :)

“At Gambling, the deadly sin is to mistake bad play for bad luck.” -- Ian Fleming